原创: 斧子的二当家 汉语故事 2月26日
Cutting firewood on Ten Ox Peak
When I was a teenager, families used to burn wood and straw to have energy. At present, every household at the countryside burns coal. Even wealthy families have begun cooking with liquefied gas.
At that time, all the firewood on the hills has already been chopped off, all eyes would just see bare hillsides, without even a single stalk of grass. Some people would even dig up the tree roots and bring them home as firewood. There was no firewood on the nearby hillside, so we had to go to the big mountain named the Ten Ox Peak to cut firewood.
十牛峰是南岳七十二峰之一,与雨母山、 回雁峰、雷祖峰遥遥相望,最高处海拔515米,最低处海拔76.5米。传说有仙翁骑 一犀牛领先,九头犀牛尾随,化为石峰,故名十牛峰。登峰放眼,南岳巍峨于前,岐山雄峙在后,左顾蒸水浟浟,右有湘江溶溶。峰下有天圣岩。天圣岩下一泉,水自沙中涌出,面积约亩宽,极旱不竭,顺流而下。唐开元年间( 713-741年)有“白云真人申泰芝 修真于此,丹灶在焉”。其下有仙人迹。山间林木繁茂,盛产松、杉、南竹,并有煤、铁等矿藏。
The Ten Ox Peak is one of seventy-two Nanyue peaks. It faces the Rain Mother Mountain(Yumu Shan 雨母山), Back Gees Peak (Huiyan Feng 回雁峰), and Thunder Ancestor Peak (Leizu 雷祖). The highest point is 515 meters above sea level, and the lowest one is 76.5 meters above sea level. Legend has it that an Immortal Horseman rode on a rhinoceros, followed by nine rhinoceroses and then all of them turned and headed onto the stone peak, and from that came the name Ten Ox Peak. Looking from the Peak, you will find Nanyue in the front, Qi Mountain standing at the back, while Xiangjiang River is streaming on the right and Zhengshui River on the left. Below the Peak lies the Sacred Rock and a spring under it. Water gushes out from the sand, forming an area of about 600 square meters wide. Even when the weather is extremely dry, the water flow wouldn't stop and would always go down with the river. During the Tang Kaiyuan Years (713-741), there was "A Baiyun Immortal Shen Taizhi, once practiced here, leaving a Dan furnace trail". With an Immortal trail beneath it, the mountain forest is rich in pine, cedar, bamboo, but also coal, iron and other mineral resources.
There were more than ten teenagers in the village, and we agreed to meet at the bottom of Ten Ox Peak. When there was no one around, we would quickly cut the wood with knifes. The moment we got a full load of wood, we would quickly tie it up into two piles, insert a thick stick through it, raise it on the shoulders and ran away.
At that time, Ten Ox Peak was closed due to afforestation works, and there were people around who were taking care of this task. For people like us who used to go there to cut firewood secretly, if we were caught, all the wood would have to be confiscated, and we would be heavily punished to pay the expenses for a movie to be performed to the villagers, or even to be put on a public platform and be scolded by people from our village.
Therefore, every time young people go to chop wood secretly. The adults would absolutely never do such things.
有一次,我随着一群人去偷柴,被林场的护林员发现,追了里多路,终于抓住了我。那时候人是真傻,根本没有想过,人家追上来了,可以扔下柴禾逃跑。一个少年费尽九牛二虎 之力,挑着一担柴禾,哪里可能逃脱成年人的追赶?
One time I followed a group of people to steal firewood and unfortunately I was found by the forest ranger. After a couple hundred meters' of chasing, he finally caught me. At that time, people were so stupid that they would not decide to run away without firewood. How a teenager with a load of firewood could escape from an adult chasing him?
The ranger was a middle-aged man with a harsh tone, interrogating me where I was from and what are the names of my parents. I knew I couldn't hide from him, so I told him everything. Who knew, after he knew my parents' names, he asked about my grandfather's name and confirmed my mother's occupation.
My mother was a well known barefoot doctor, and many people knew her.
Instead of punishment, the ranger took me to his home and treated me with a meal. When leaving, he offered me a load of cut and slashed wood. It was a really good firewood used for firing the New Year Fish and Tofu. I tried it, but it was very heavy and I couldn’t pick it up. Finally, he carried it on his shoulders to my house. Then he turned away without even drinking a sip of water.
母亲回家后,追问我那人的姓名,我却回答不出来。直到今天,我都还不知道那人的姓名,更不明白什么原因,他要送一担木柴给我。或许是我母亲救治过他的家人?我外公与他 有过恩惠?父亲是他的朋友?没有答案。
When my mother came home, she asked me for the name of the man, but I couldn't answer. Until today, I don't know the man's name, and I can’t understand why he sent me the load of firewood. Maybe my mother had treated his family before? Had my grandfather done favors to him? Was my father a friend of him? I did not have any answer.
That strange firewood experience became stuck in my heart forever.
Axe, published: Prose poetry collection "Waiting for you" , Hunan Literature and Art Publishing House; Prose poetry collection "Principal in debt", The Hong Kong commercial press (HKPC); A short and medium story collection, "The extinct edition of love between Swan under the Moon and Zhu Tang", United publishing house; A short and medium story collection, "Invisible bodyguard", United publishing house; A short and medium story collection, "The first marriage of brother Qian," and published by the China Federation of Literary Unions ...
Hi there! I’m Michael. Big fan of China, its culture and cuisine. Made a choice in 2017 to pack my things and come here from Europe. I love traveling, jogging and listening to music.