

作者: L_Wilson | 来源:发表于2020-03-10 20:45 被阅读0次




    Youduo Networks owns intellectual property such as copyright, including but not limited to the entire content of the product or service that is issued or jointly issued with a partner company, and is protected by law.

    Without the written permission of the owner, no unitor individual may use, copy, modify, copy or transmit any part of the above products, services, information, or materials in any way or for any reason.


    Privacy Policy

    YouduoNetworks regards user information security and privacy protectionashis"lifeline." We adhere to the "everything basedonuservalue" philosophy, and strive to improve the transparencyofinformationprocessing, enhance your convenience of information management,andprotectyour information and communication security.

    YouduoNetworksstrictly abides by laws and regulations and follows thefollowingprivacyprotection principles to provide you with safer and morereliableservices:


    Safeand reliable: We make every effort to prevent your information frombeingleaked,damaged or lost through reasonable and effective informationsecuritytechnologyand management processes.


    Self-selection:Weprovide you with convenient information management options so you can maketherightchoices and manage your personal information.


    Protectingcommunication secrets: We strictly abide by laws and regulations, protectyourcommunicationsecrets, and provide you with secure communication services.


    Reasonable:Inorderto provide better service to you and other users, we only collectthenecessaryinformation.


    Clearandtransparent:We strive to use a concise statement to introduce you totheprivacy policy sothat you can clearly understand how our informationishandled.


    Incorporateprivacyprotectioninto product design: We integrate various concepts such aslaw,product anddesign into all aspects of product or service development,andincorporate theconcept of privacy protection.

    ThisPrivacyPolicymainly explains to you:


    Thepurposeofour collection of information;


    Ihopethatyou read the Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as"thispolicy")to learn more about how we collect and use informationso thatyou can betterunderstand our services and make appropriate choices.

    ByusingYouduoNetworks's services, you are agreeing to what we have describedin thispolicy.Terms used in this policy have the same meanings as in theUserAgreement unlessotherwise agreed.

    Ifyouhaveany questions, please contact us.

    First,theinformationwe collect

    Wecollectonlythe information necessary to achieve product functionality basedonlegal,justified, and necessary principles.


    Informationthatyouprovide when you use our services

    1.1.1Informationyoufill out when you register your account.

    Forexample,thenickname and mobile number you filled in when you signed up for anaccount.

    1.1.2Informationthatyou upload when you use the service.

    Forexample,whenyou use an app, upload an avatar, shared photo.

    1.1.3Informationsubmittedby you through our customer service or attending ourevents.

    Forexample,aquestionnaire you fill out when participating in our online eventmayincludeyour name, phone number, home address, and more.

    Someofourservices may require you to provide specific personallysensitiveinformation toachieve specific functions. If you choose not toprovide thistype ofinformation, you may not be able to use certain features intheservice, but itwill not affect your use of other features in the service.Byproviding yourpersonally sensitive information, you consent to theprocessingof yourpersonally sensitive information in accordance with thepurposes andmethodsdescribed in this policy.


    Informationwegetwhen you use the service

    1.2.1Loginformation.When you use our services, we may automatically collectrelevantinformation andstore it as service log information.

    (1)Equipmentinformation.For example, device model, operating system version,unique deviceidentifier,battery, signal strength, and more.

    (2)Softwareinformation.For example, the version number of the software, thebrowser type.To ensure thesecurity of the operating environment or to provideservices, wecollectinformation about the mobile apps and other software youuse.


    (4)Serviceloginformation. For example, information you search, view,servicefailureinformation, referral URLs, etc. when you use our services.

    (5)Communicationloginformation. For example, the account, communication time,and duration thatyouused to communicate when using our services.

    1.2.2Locationinformation.When you use location-related services, we may record thelocationof your deviceto provide you with relevant services.

    (1)Whenyouuse the service, we may obtain your geographic location informationthroughIPaddress, GPS, WiFi or base station;

    (2)Theinformationprovided by you or other users when using the service mayincludeinformationabout your location, such as the information about yourarea thatmay be includedin the account information you provided, and thegeo-tagginginformationcontained in photos shared by you or others. ;

    1.2.3Otherrelevantinformation. To help you make better use of our products orservices,we collectrelevant information. For example, we collect buddy lists,grouplistinformation, and voiceprint feature value information. To ensurethat youcanuse our services to reach people you know, if you choose to enabletheImportContacts feature, we may encrypt your contact's name and phonenumberandcollect only the encrypted information.


    Informationsharedbyother users contains your information

    Forexample,photosposted by other users or shared videos may contain yourinformation.


    Informationobtainedfromthird-party partners

    Wemayobtaininformation that you generate or share when you use athird-partypartnerservice. For example, when you use your account to sign in toathird-partypartner service, we'll get the name and login time ofyourthird-party partnerservice, so you can manage it. Please read carefullytheuser agreement orprivacy policy of the third party partner service.

    Second,howdowe use the information we collect?

    Westrictlyabideby the laws and regulations and the agreement with the users,and usethecollected information for the following purposes. If we useyourinformationbeyond the following purposes, we will explain it to you againandobtain yourconsent.




    Meetyourindividualneeds. For example, language settings, locationsettings,personalized helpservices.


    Productdevelopmentandservice optimization. For example, when our system fails, werecord andanalyzethe information generated by the system failure to optimizeourservices.


    Security.Forexample,we use your information for authentication, security,anti-fraudmonitoring,archive backup, customer security services, and more. Forexample,securitysoftware that you download or install detects malware or virusesoridentifiesfraudulent information for you.


    Recommendads,news,and more that may be of interest to you.


    Assessandimprovethe effectiveness of our advertising and other promotionsandpromotions.


    Managementsoftware.Forexample, perform software certification, software upgrades, andthe like.


    Inviteyoutoparticipate in a survey about our services.

    Inordertogive you a better experience, improve our services or other uses thatyouagreeto, we may use the information collected through certain services forourotherservices, subject to relevant laws and regulations. For example,useinformationabout one of our services for another service to showyoupersonalized contentor ads, for user research analysis and statistics.

    Toensurethesecurity of our services and to help us better understand howourapplicationsare performing, we may record information such as how oftenyouuse theapplication, fault information, overall usage, performance data,andthe sourceof the application. We do not combine the information we storeinthe analysissoftware with the personally identifiable information youprovidein theapplication.

    Howdoweuse cookies and related technologies?

    Weorourthird-party partners may collect your information by placing securecookiesandrelated technologies in order to provide you with a morepersonalizeduserexperience and service. We will strictly require third-partypartners tocomplywith the relevant provisions of this policy.

    Youcanalsomanage your cookies through your browser settings. However, pleasenotethat ifyou disable cookies, you may not be able to enjoy the bestserviceexperience andsome services may not work properly. If you would likemoreinformation on thesecurity of cookies, please see the Cookie Policy Note.

    Fourth,theinformationyou share

    Youcanshareyour information with your friends, family and other users throughourservices.For example, the text and photos you share publicly on theWeChatcircle offriends. Please note that this may include sensitiveinformation suchas yourpersonally identifiable information, personal propertyinformation.Pleasecarefully consider disclosing your relevant personalsensitiveinformation.

    Youcancontrolthe scope of your shared information through the privacy settingsinourservices, or you can delete your publicly shared informationthroughthesettings in the service or the guidelines we provide. However, pleasenotethatthis information may still be stored independently by otherusersornon-associated third parties not under our control.

    Howdoyoumanage your information?


    Youmayaccess,modify and delete the registration information and otherpersonalinformation youprovide while using our services, or you may follow thenoticeguidelines tocontact us. The scope and manner in which you access,modify, anddelete personalinformation will depend on the specific service youuse. Forexample, if you wantto stop sharing your location information whenusing location-relatedservices,you can stop sharing by using the mobile phonelocation shutdownfeature,software and hardware service provider andcommunication serviceprovidershutdown. I suggest you read the relevantguidelines carefully. .


    Wewillcollectand use your information only as described in this policy forthefunctionalityof our products or services. If you find that we haveviolatedlaws,administrative regulations or the agreement of both parties tocollectand useyour personal information, you can ask us to delete it. If youfindthat yourpersonal information collected and stored by us is incorrect, youcanalso ask usto correct it. Please contact us through the contact detailslistedin thispolicy.


    Whenyouaccess,modify, and delete information, we may ask you to authenticate tokeepyouraccount secure.


    Pleaseunderstandthatdue to technical limitations, legal or regulatory requirements,we may notbeable to meet all of your requirements and we will respond to yourrequestwithina reasonable timeframe.


    Westrictlyrestrictthe sharing of information in accordance with laws andregulations,such as:


    Wemayshareyour personal information with third parties with your prior consent;


    Forthesolepurpose of external processing, we may work with third partypartners(thirdparty service providers, contractors, agents, advertisingpartners,appdevelopers, etc., for example, to provide email or pushnotifications onourbehalf. Providers, map service providers that provide uswithlocationservices) (they may not be in your jurisdiction) shareyourpersonalinformation and let them follow our instructions, privacy policiesandotherrelevant confidentiality and security measures. Process theaboveinformationand use it for the following purposes:

    6.2.1provideyouwith our services;

    6.2.2achievethestated purpose of the “How we use the information collected”section;

    6.2.3fulfillourobligations under the User Agreement or this Policy and exerciseour rights;

    6.2.4Understand,maintainand improve our services.

    Ifweshareyour information with the above-mentioned third parties, we willuseencryption,anonymization and other means to protect your information.


    Asourbusinesscontinues to develop, when mergers, acquisitions, asset transfers,etc.result inthe sharing of your personal information with third parties, wewillinform youof the relevant situation by means of pushnotifications,announcements, etc., inaccordance with laws and regulations andnot less thanThe standards required bythis policy continue to protect orrequire newadministrators to continue toprotect your personal information.


    Wewillusethe information we collect for big data analysis. For example, weusetheinformation we collect to analyze urban thermograms or industry insightreportsthatdo not contain any personal information. We may disclose and sharewithourpartners information that is processed without post-identificationcontenttounderstand how users use our services or to inform the public abouttheoverallusage trends of our services.


    Wemaydiscloseyour personal information for the following purposes:

    6.5.1Complywithapplicable laws and regulations and other relevant regulations;

    6.5.2complywiththe provisions of court decisions, rulings or other legalprocedures;

    6.5.3complywiththe requirements of relevant government agencies or otherlegallyauthorizedorganizations;

    6.5.4Wehavereason to believe that we need to comply with relevant lawsandregulations;

    6.5.5Reasonableandnecessary use for the protection of the personal and propertysafety orotherlegal rights of our customers, us or our affiliates, otherusers oremployees forthe purpose of implementing the relevant serviceagreements orthis policy,safeguarding the public interest.

    7.Informationwemay send you



    Wemaysendyou emails, text messages, news or push notifications when you useourservices.You can choose to unsubscribe on your device by following ourtips.



    Wemayissueservice-related announcements to you when necessary (for example,when aserviceis suspended due to system maintenance). You may not be able tocanceltheseannouncements that are related to the service and that arenotadvertising.

    Eight,thelocationand duration of the stored information


    Locationwhereinformationis stored

    Wecomplywiththe laws and regulations and store the personal informationcollected byusers inChina.



    Ingeneral,weretain your personal information for the shortest period of timenecessarytoachieve its purpose. However, in the following cases, we maychange thestoragetime of personal information due to legal requirements:

    8.2.1Tocomplywith applicable laws and regulations and other relevant regulations;

    8.2.2tocomplywith court decisions, rulings or other legal procedures;

    8.2.3inorderto comply with the requirements of relevant government agenciesorstatutoryauthorized organizations;

    8.2.4Wehavereason to believe that we need to comply with relevant lawsandregulations;

    8.2.5Thepurposereasonably necessary to protect the personal and property safetyorother legalrights of our customers, us or our affiliates, other usersoremployees for thepurpose of implementing the relevant service agreementsorthis policy,safeguarding the public interest.

    Intheeventthat our products or services cease to operate, we will notify youby,forexample, push notifications, announcements, etc., and delete oranonymizeyourpersonal information within a reasonable period of time.


    Weprovideappropriatesecurity for your information to prevent loss, misuse,unauthorizedaccess ordisclosure.


    Westrictlyabideby laws and regulations to protect users' communication secrets.


    Wewillusevarious security measures to ensure the security of informationwithinareasonable level of security. For example, we use encryption (eg,TLS,SSL),anonymization, and other means to protect your personal information.


    Weestablishspecializedmanagement systems, processes and organizations toensureinformation security.For example, we strictly limit the range ofpeopleaccessing information andrequire them to comply withconfidentialityobligations and conduct reviews.


    Intheeventof a security incident such as a personal information disclosure,wewillinitiate an emergency plan to prevent the expansion of securityincidentsandinform you by push notifications, announcements, etc.


    Wemayuseyour relevant information to provide you with ads that are morerelevant toyouon relevant websites, apps and other channels. You can learnmore about theadpage.


    Weattachgreatimportance to the protection of personal information of minors.Inaccordancewith the relevant laws and regulations, if you are a minor undertheage of 18,you should obtain the consent of your parent or legalguardianbefore usingTencent's services. If you are a guardian of a minor,pleasecontact us throughthe contact details in Section 13 when you havequestionsabout the personalinformation of the minor you are monitoring.

    Twelve,thescopeof application

    Thispolicyappliesto all of our services. However, some services have their ownspecificprivacyguidelines/statements that more specifically describe how weprocessyourinformation in the service. In the event of any inconsistencybetween thispolicyand the privacy guidelines/claims for a particular service,please referto thatparticular privacy guide/declaration.

    Pleasenotethatthis policy does not apply to services provided by othercompaniesorindividuals. For example, you can use a WeChat account to log intoothercompanies or individuals.

    Youruseofsuch third party services is subject to its Privacy Policy (not thisPolicy)andyou will need to read the policies carefully.


    Ifyouhaveany questions about this policy or other related matters, pleasecontactusthrough the contact information indicated at the bottom of theofficialwebsite.

    Wewillreviewthe issue as soon as possible and respond within 30 days ofverifyingyour userstatus.


    Wemayrevisethis policy in due course. If such changes result in asubstantialderogation ofyour rights under this Policy, we will notify you bypromptingyou at theprominent location on the page, by sending you an email,etc.,before the changetakes effect. In such a case, if you continue to useourservices, you agree tobe bound by the revised policy.

    Youcanshareyour information with your friends, family and other users throughourservices.For example, the text and photos you share publicly on theWeChatcircle offriends. Please note that this may include sensitiveinformation suchas yourpersonally identifiable information, personal propertyinformation.Pleasecarefully consider disclosing your relevant personalsensitiveinformation.

    Howdoyoumanage your information?

    Youruseofsuch third party services is subject to its Privacy Policy (not thisPolicy)andyou will need to read the policies carefully.

    Forexample,aquestionnaire you fill out when participating in our online eventmayincludeyour name, phone number, home address, and more.

    Incorporateprivacyprotectioninto product design: We integrate various concepts such aslaw,product anddesign into all aspects of product or service development,andincorporate theconcept of privacy protection.

    (1)Equipmentinformation.For example, device model, operating system version,unique deviceidentifier,battery, signal strength, and more.

    Informationthatyouprovide when you use our services

    Security.Forexample, we use your information for authentication,security,anti-fraudmonitoring, archive backup, customer security services, andmore. Forexample,security software that you download or install detects malwareorviruses oridentifies fraudulent information for you.


    User Agreement


    This"OnlineGame End User License Agreement" (hereinafter referred toas"Agreement") is the user's (individual or single entity,hereinafterreferred to as "User") and Youduo Networks regarding thisonline game(including any modification of the online game, The legal agreementfor the useof the update, all previous versions and subsequent versions,hereinafterreferred to as "online games".



    Thefirstpart of the important tips; the second part of the rights statement; thethirdpart of the necessary clauses; the fourth main terms; the fifth part ofthe usercode;


    Allofthe above, Youduo Networks reserves the right to make changes basedonoperational needs. All changes and updates will take effect immediately aftertheend of the objection period specified by Youduo Networks;


    Otherrulesthat Youduo Networks publishes periodically or irregularly accordingtooperational needs, including but not limited to other official informationsuchas forum forum rules, code of conduct, activity rules,definitioninterpretation, etc.

    Pleasenotethat in view of the user's habit of using the online game service, theuser isobliged to re-read the entire contents of the end user license agreementon amonthly basis from the date of using the Youduo Networks service. In viewof theabove agreement, the user is not satisfied with the performance. Thosewho havesuch obligations are not entitled to object to the legal effect of therelevantprovisions without knowing the above.

    2.Theobligations of Youduo Networks

    2.1Thelegal Youduo Networks's obligation to take reasonable care to the attentionofthe user will be achieved as follows:

    Inthisagreement, Youduo Networks reminds the user of the relevant terms inareasonable manner, such as underline and red mark, which are enough to drawtheuser's attention. (It is important to emphasize that it is not limited totheuser should pay special attention to any unspecified “including” ","disclaimer","not", "reject" and other terms ofsimilar terms), theseterms shall be applied to this Agreement to the fullestextent permitted byChinese law. Unless the user accepts all the terms of thisagreement, he or sheis not authorized to install, copy, access Youduo Networksrelated websites,recharge, run client software or otherwise use online games.


    Incaseof any objection to the above mentioned terms and any content of thisagreement,the user has the right to refuse to click to agree or to express anobjection toYouduo Networks by phone or email within 30 days after anyagreement is updated,changed or modified.

    Anyofthe following actions of the user will be deemed as the user'scompleterecognition of the agreement. This User Agreement will take effectimmediatelyand be fully legally binding on Youduo Networks and the user: (1)Click on anypart of registration, download, use, etc. (2) use the online gameproducts andservices provided by Youduo Networks in any way that may or mayhave interactedwith the online game; (3) not call or within 30 days after theupdate, changeor modification of the agreement, rules, etc. Send an email to YouduoNetworksto object.


    Inviewof the fact that Youduo Networks has fulfilled its obligations under theformatclauses, the above actions of the user will be deemed and should beregarded asthe legality and validity of the terms that the user has fully paidattention toand agreed to all the terms of this agreement, especially the user'sattention.The User shall not claim or require the Court or any other thirdparty toconfirm that the Terms are illegal or invalid on the grounds that YouduoNetworksdoes not promptly alert the user to the format terms or does notfulfill thestated obligation on the User's request.

    5.Minorspay attention to the terms

    Minorsshouldreview and accept this agreement in the company of a legal guardian. Forminorsunder the age of 14, you must apply for registration in the name of alegalguardian by their legal guardian. Minor users should use"onlinegames" and conduct online games to a reasonable extent. YouduoNetworks hasthe right to impose relevant restrictions in accordance with thelaw.

    PartIIStatement of Rights


    Thisproductand the instruction manual are protected by copyright law. All programsand graphiccontents may not be copied, reproduced or modified in whole or inpart by anymeans without the written permission of the authorized party andthe operator.All related product names, trademarks, brands and pictures onthis product andin the packaging and manuals are owned by the authorized partyor YouduoNetworks and are the property of their respective owners.

    Theentirecontent of online games (including but not limited to any computer code,gamecharacters, game character names, game character information, storybackground,plot language, place name settings, task design, economic system,tradingsystem, production building system, social system The intellectualpropertyrights of the confrontation function, character image, sound effect,map props,motion rendering, team system, game concept, art work, sound effects,music,audio and video, documentation, and game client and server software areownedby the authorized party. All rights to perform this Agreement arelegallyavailable based on authorization.


    Theownershipof the online game user account is owned by Youduo Networks. After theusersuccessfully registers, the user's right to use the online game useraccount isobtained, and any data information generated by the game account andstored in theYouduo Networks database (including but not limited to accountdata) Theownership of information, role data information, etc. belongs to YouduoNetworks.Under the premise of full compliance with the agreement, the user hasthe rightto use the agreement specified in the agreement for the datainformationbelonging to his user account during the normal use of the onlinegame.


    Virtualitemsin online game products and services, including but not limited toingots,coins, gold, game coins, virtual equipment, virtual items, etc., areowned by YouduoNetworks and are generated based on the virtual item and storedin the YouduoNetworks database. The ownership of any data information(including but notlimited to virtual item data information, grade item datainformation, etc.)belongs to Youduo Networks. Under the premise of fullcompliance with theagreement, the user has the right to use the agreementspecified in theagreement for the data information belonging to his virtualitem during thenormal use of the online game.

    PartIIIEssential Terms


    1.1Theuser promises to register as a Youduo Networks user in his true identity,and toensure that the personally identifiable information provided is true,completeand valid, and bears corresponding legal responsibility for theinformationprovided in accordance with legal provisions and mandatory terms.

    1.2Afterthe user registers as a Youduo Networks user in his or her real identityandneeds to modify the personally identifiable information provided, YouduoNetworksshall provide the service in a timely and effective manner.

    2.Useraccount usage and custody

    2.1Accordingto the mandatory provisions, Youduo Networks has the right to reviewwhether theidentity information provided by the user registration is true andeffective,and should actively take reasonable measures such as technology andmanagementto ensure the security and validity of the user account; the user isobliged tokeep it safe. Account and password, and use their account andpassword correctlyand securely. If any party fails to perform the aboveobligations resulting inthe loss of the account password, the account isstolen, etc., causing damage tothe civil rights of the user and others, thelegal liability arising therefromshall be borne.

    2.2Theuser has rights and assumes responsibility for the actions of the accountheldafter login.

    2.3Ifthe user finds that his account or password has been illegally used byothers orhas abnormal use, he shall promptly notify Youduo Networks accordingto theprocessing announced by Youduo Networks and have the right to inform YouduoNetworksto take measures to suspend the login and use of the account.

    2.4 YouduoNetworksshall take measures to suspend the login and use of the user accountaccordingto the user's notice. Youduo Networks shall require the user toprovide and verifythe personal valid identity information consistent with theregistered identityinformation.

    2.4.1YouduoNetworks verifies that the personal valid identity information providedby theuser is consistent with the registered identity information, and shalltakemeasures to suspend the login and use of the user account in a timelymanner.

    2.4.2YouduoNetworks violates the agreement of 2.4.1. If the measures are not takenin timeto suspend the login and use of the user account, and therefore causelosses tothe user, they shall bear the corresponding legal responsibilities.

    2.4.3YouduoNetworks has the right to refuse the user's request if the user does notprovidehis or her personal valid ID or if the personal valid ID provided bythe user isinconsistent with the registered identity information.

    2.5Inorder to maintain the legitimate rights and interests of the user andprovide YouduoNetworks with personal valid identity information consistent withthe registeredidentity information, BobWalker shall provide the user with thenecessaryassistance and support for the account registrant certificate,originalregistration information, etc., as needed. Provide relevant evidenceandinformation to relevant administrative agencies and judicial organs.

    3.Suspensionand termination of services

    3.1Ifthe user has published illegal information, seriously violates socialethics,and other violations of the legal prohibition, Youduo Networks shallimmediatelyterminate the service to the user.

    3.2 YouduoNetworkshas the right to terminate the service to the user if the userperforms theimproper behavior when accepting the Youduo Networks service. Thespecificcircumstances of the improper conduct shall be expressly agreed inthisAgreement or be prohibited by Youduo Networks's prior notice that theserviceshall be terminated. Otherwise, Youduo Networks shall not terminatetheprovision of services to the User.

    3.3Theuser provides false registration identity information or implements aviolationof this agreement. Youduo Networks has the right to suspend all orpart of theservice to the user; Youduo Networks shall suspend the user andinform the userof the suspension period. The suspension period shall bereasonable and shall besuspended. Youduo Networks should resume service tousers in time.

    3.4 YouduoNetworksshall, in accordance with this Article, suspend or terminate theprovision ofpart or all of the services to the User, Youduo Networks shall bearthe burdenof proof.

    4.Userinformation protection

    4.1 YouduoNetworksrequires users to disclose their privacy protection policies andpersonalinformation utilization policies to users in a clear and easy way, andto takenecessary measures to protect the security of users' personalinformation. .

    4.2 YouduoNetworksshall not provide, disclose or share personally identifiableinformation such asname, personal identification number, contact information,home address, etc. inthe user registration data without any user permission,except in the followingcases:

    4.2.1The user or user guardian authorized the disclosure of Youduo Networks;

    4.2.2Relevant legal requirements are disclosed by Youduo Networks;

    4.2.3The judicial or administrative agency requires Youduo Networks to provide itonthe basis of legal procedures;

    4.2.4Youduo Networks filed a lawsuit or arbitration with the user in order toprotecthis or her legitimate rights and interests;

    4.2.5When the user's personally identifiable information is provided inaccordancewith the legal requirements of the user's guardian.

    Theownership of the online game user account is owned by Chaoting Networks.Afterthe user successfully registers, the user's right to use the online gameuseraccount is obtained, and any data information generated by the game accountandstored in the Chaoting Networks database (including but not limited toaccountdata) The ownership of information, role data information, etc. belongstoChaoting Networks. Under the premise of full compliance with the agreement,theuser has the right to use the agreement specified in the agreement for thedatainformation belonging to his user account during the normal use of theonlinegame.



