

作者: 叶子叶子 | 来源:发表于2019-05-29 22:40 被阅读0次





3.Video:1a unit11、12


游戏1: What do we do with a hammer?

Mommy: Baby today I brought something new, Do you want to know what it is? Take a guess! Is it a bear? No, it isn't. Listen! Ding, ding, dong, ding ,ding, dong. What is it? Food? Oh no. We can't eat it. Now close your eye ,you can use your hands to touch it. Is it hard or soft? Now, open your  eyes. Look, it is a hammer .


游戏2: We are little carpenters

Mommy: Baby look, here are some overalls, I'll help you put them on. Here  is your hammer. Now, you're a little carpenter. Can you help mommy fix things in the house?

Baby: yes,

Mommy: Thank you.

游戏3: Find the hammer picture

Mommy: Baby, come here, Let's find some pictures of hammers ok?

Baby: Ok

Mommy: Look, there are so many different hammers, What color are they?

Baby: Blue, yellow, red

Mommy: Good. Let's find some more, Which one do you like best?

Baby: I like the blue hammer.


游戏4:Let' s get moving

Mommy: Baby come here, let's do          exercises, We will sing the song and our hand will be the hammers when we sing"Johnny works with three hammers", we will stomp our feet, Then we can nod our head for the fifth hammer. Are you ready?

Baby: yes,

Mommy: Here we go!


游戏5:Let' s have a rest

Mommy: We played for a long time. Are you tired?

Baby: yes

Mommy: Ok, let's have a rest on the sofa .Hurbert is very tired now, tired now, tired now. Herbert is very tired now. let's have a rest .



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