What is Masonry?
Masonry is a kind of third part framework to implement auto-layout easiliy. We can also use xib and NSLayout on iOS project for autolayout, but in my opinion, Masonry is a good way to achieve the same goal programaticlly.
Masonry is a light-weight layout framework which wraps AutoLayout with a nicer syntax. Masonry has its own layout DSL which provides a chainable way of describing your NSLayoutConstraints which results in layout code that is more concise and readable. Masonry supports iOS and Mac OS X.
--From Masonry Officially
How to use Masonry?
The grammar of Masonry is very easy, we don't need a lot of time to study it. By the way, Masony is still based on Autolayout API, but it offers more easily understand grammar for developers.
- Vist the largest Same-Gender social networking site--Github.
- Integrate Masonry to your project by Cocoapods.
- Import "Masonry.h"
- Use it follow its grammar.
- Start driving!
One more step look into Masonry
- We can use Masonry function easily like this:
UIEdgeInsets padding = UIEdgeInsetsMake(10, 10, 10, 10);
[view1 mas_makeConstraints:^(MASConstraintMaker *make) {
make.top.equalTo(superview.mas_top).with.offset(padding.top); //with is an optional semantic filler
From above coding, we just make padding constrains of view1 which can be read easily and just define all of constains in the block.
- We can define all of constrains attributs like following table:
MASViewAttribute | NSLayoutAttribute |
view.mas_left | NSLayoutAttributeLeft |
view.mas_right | NSLayoutAttributeRight |
view.mas_top | NSLayoutAttributeTop |
view.mas_bottom | NSLayoutAttributeBottom |
view.mas_leading | NSLayoutAttributeLeading |
view.mas_trailing | NSLayoutAttributeTrailing |
view.mas_width | NSLayoutAttributeWidth |
view.mas_height | NSLayoutAttributeHeight |
view.mas_centerX | NSLayoutAttributeCenterX |
view.mas_centerY | NSLayoutAttributeCenterY |
view.mas_baseline | NSLayoutAttributeBaseline |
Frome above table we can find Masonry view attributes and NSLayoutAttributes one-to-one corresponding relations. It can help us to understand Masonry attributes easily.Actually, Masonry use dot "." grammar like objective-c, so it is easy to read like nature language, such as English.
- We can define one attribut relative to another attribut like following codes:
a. Basic syntax
//let view.left greater or equal to lable.left, actually these two constrains are exactly same
// let view.width >= 200 && view.width <= 400
// let view.letf offset from superview.left
// use NSArray
make.height.equalTo(@[view1.mas_height, view2.mas_height]);
b. Prioritize
.priority allows you to specify an exact priority
.priorityHigh equivalent to UILayoutPriorityDefaultHigh
.priorityMedium is half way between high and low
.priorityLow equivalent to UILayoutPriorityDefaultLow
1.mas_makeConstrains can add one or more attributes on the view object. It will not affect other attributes wich we have added before.
[view1 mas_makeConstraints:^(MASConstraintMaker *make) {
self.topConstraint = make.top.equalTo(superview.mas_top).with.offset(padding.top);
2.mas_remakeConstrains can add a set of constrains on the view, but in the same time it will reomove all of constrians which we have added before.
[self.button mas_remakeConstraints:^(MASConstraintMaker *make) {
if (topLeft) {
} else {
3.mas_updateConstrains can update constrains on the view
[self.growingButton mas_updateConstraints:^(MASConstraintMaker *make) {
The most important part
Masonry is useful and powerful, but we should be careful of some details of it.
- We cannot get frame value immediately after set constrains by Masonry, if we want to get correct frame, we should use [view setIfNeedLayout] to update the layout.
- mas_updateConstraints can update constrains, but it can only update the constains which we have set before, and the relative superview must be the same as previouse one.