事实上,在奖学金通知下来之前,有一个小插曲。现在想起来,依旧忍俊不禁。项目主管 N 博士的邮件1月15日就发过来了,确认已经录取并获得奖学金。
虽然我已经多次参加雅思和托福,但没有两年有效期内的成绩单。这意味着我必须对此做出解释,并寄希望于奖学金委员会的判断,于是我回复以下邮件给 N 博士。
Thank you, Dr. N.
I have taken English proficiency tests five times so far. The scores are as follows.
2018, IELTS 8.5, Listening 9, Speaking 8.5, Reading 9, Writing 7
2015, IELTS 8.5, Listening 8.5, Speaking 9, Reading 9, Writing 7
2011, TOEFL iBT 114, Listening 30, Speaking 27, Reading 28, Writing 29
2011, IELTS 8, Listening 9, Speaking 8.5, Reading 8.55, Writing 6.5
2006, TOEFL iBT 109, Listening 27, Speaking 28, Reading 28, Writing 26The latest certificate I can produce is for IELTS taken in 2018, which I have attached to the email. I have also attached my IELTS and TOEFL score reports in 2015 for your reference. I hope they, in addition to my MA in English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics from a top university in the world, should be sufficient for me to qualify for the scholarship.
Thank you.
Kind regards,
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