

作者: f234f234 | 来源:发表于2018-09-11 19:15 被阅读0次


用各种科学手段记录动物的运动,本新闻其实是对一本书的推介,书籍信息如下:Where the Animals Go is published by Penguin.

新闻来自the Guardian。


Award-winning geographer Dr James Cheshire and designer Oliver Uberti take us to the forefront of the animal tracking revolution, mapping the movements of animals on land, sky and sea – from Peru’s elusive jaguars to ant activity in a colony.

著名地理学家James Cheshire博士和设计师Oliver Uberti将我们带到动物追踪革命的最前沿:绘制动物在陆地、天空和海洋运动的轨迹,从秘鲁神出鬼没的美洲虎到小小的殖民地蚂蚁。

The elephants who crossed the railroad


In March 2016, Save the Elephants and the Kenya Wildlife Service collared 10 elephants to assess how the animals were adapting to a new railway bisecting Tsavo national park. They wanted to see if the elephants would use a series of underpasses that the construction company had been persuaded to include. Within 30 days, half of them had. Highly adaptable individuals have even been recorded passing through drainage culverts as small as three metres wide.


The albatrosses circling Antarctica


Between breeding seasons, grey-headed albatrosses take sabbaticals. Tracking data from light loggers has revealed three distinct behaviours: “residents” stay near their breeding area in the southwest Atlantic; “shorter-distance migrants” fly to the Indian Ocean and back; and “circumpolar migrants” round the entire Southern Ocean, sometimes twice. By the time a migrant reaches the Kerguelen Islands, strong tailwinds make it easier to continue circling Antarctica than to turn back and fly into the wind.

在繁殖季节之间,灰头信天翁需要休息。来自光记录仪的跟踪数据揭示了三种不同的行为模式:“定居者”停留在西南大西洋的繁殖区附近; “短途旅行者”飞往印度洋并返回;“极地旅行者”则围绕整个南大洋飞行,有时会环绕两次,当一只这样的信天翁到达Kerguelen群岛时,强大的顺风使得其更容易继续围绕南极洲盘旋,而不是逆风飞回去。

The jaguars taking selfies


About 20 years ago, scientists began using motion-activated camera traps to spot the elusive cats in study areas the size of Manhattan. From these sightings, they derived population estimates. Then in 2011, a GPS-collared jaguar in Peru showed that jaguars can have ranges 10 times the size of Manhattan. That meant prior camera-trap studies likely overestimated jaguar densities because their coverage areas were too small. In 2014, researchers installed 89 cameras across 650 square kilometres of Peruvian Amazon to get the full picture.

大约在20年前,科学家们开始使用触发相机来观察和曼哈顿差不多大小的研究区域中行踪不定的美洲虎。从这些照片中,他们估算了种群数量。然而在2011年秘鲁的一只使用全球定位系统追踪的美洲虎表明,其活动范围可能是曼哈顿的10倍。这意味着之前的触发相机研究可能高估了美洲虎的密度,因为其覆盖范围太小。 2014年,研究人员在650平方公里的秘鲁亚马逊地区安装了89台摄像机,以全面了解情况。

The seals who map the Southern Ocean


Remote sensing tells us not only where animals go, it can also tell us about the environment an animal is moving through. To date, GPS-tagged elephant seals – with foraging dives as deep as 1,500m – have collected more than 500,000 measurements of sea temperature and ocean salinity around Antarctica and under ice shelves. Their continual data streams keep oceanographers up-to-date on the changing climate, while educating us about their daily lives.


The vultures spiralling overhead


Because large birds are less able to sustain flapping flight, vultures must find sources of warm, rising air to make their extended daily searches for food. Wearing devices known as “daily diaries” that record location, air pressure, humidity, temperature, light level, speed, acceleration, and bearing, griffon vultures are teaching us how they stay aloft. Here we show just 3.5 minutes of flight above a village in southern France.


How baboons move as one


When baboons disagree on where to forage, they don’t split up; with leopards around, it is safer to stick together. So how does a troop settle a dispute? To find out, researchers in Kenya fitted 25 olive baboons with GPS collars set to record one position every second for four weeks. From more than 20m data points, they found a pattern. When the angle of disagreement between paths is small, the troop compromises and follows a middle path. If the angle is large, majority rules.


The ants that change jobs


After gluing tiny barcodes to carpenter ants and filming them in an artificial nest for 40 days, researchers discovered distinct roles in ant society. Young ants start as nurses, tending to the queen’s brood, before becoming nest cleaners and, finally, foragers in old age. In the absence of central command, ants use age and spatial segregation to delegate tasks.




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