Inspiration of Paul VI

Inspiration of Paul VI

作者: 一窝竹子 | 来源:发表于2018-11-14 20:49 被阅读10次

Paul VI, one of the greatest and most influential popes, has implemented numerous reforms and made significant contributions to the development of Catholicism.  In memory of Paul’s momentous lifelong achievements, Pope Francis will beautify him on Sunday, which will put him one step shy of formal sainthood. In order to make the public know more details about the giant, this essay will first generalize his most extraordinary accomplishments, some of which may still be controversial. In the second section, given the inspirations from the original article, some evaluations from personal perspective will be  presented.

What makes Paul most reputable is his contributions to the reaffirmation of the Catholic church’s ban on artificial contraception. Although such decision has been criticized by some Catholics, Pope Francis still tries to accomplish that goal and shifts more attention on Paul VI’s many other contributions. For instance, due to his calling for a more missionary church and one open to the public, Paul has promoted the cultural exchanges among Christians, believers and nonbelievers. Besides, both his implementation of the bishops and the exhortation on evangelization have offered up great legacies and created the greatest pastoral document written to date. Furthermore, he has been entitled as the pilgrim pope and bridge builder due to his great effort to preach worldwide and to unify the church.

Despite the suffering of some controversies, Pope Paul still stands unwaveringly. In terms of basic Church teachings, Paul was a vocal champion of the church’s social justice teachings. What makes Paul distinctive from his predecessors and successors is that he will never excommunicate his opponents or rebels and will never punish those with different views. Instead, he will admonish  and instruct them, providing them more space. Such movement is unprecedented in history, which in turn promotes the formation of a new kind of theological freedoms.

Compared with Pope Francis, Pope Paul seems to be less risk-taking and more cautious. However, there’s no denying that both of them have made great changes and lighten up the faithful. Both Paul and his achievements will be eternal.


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