作者: 不是猫 | 来源:发表于2017-08-17 22:22 被阅读0次

今天的topic is about how to rise above/get past plateaus and get motivated.


Cross-training —switch off between different types of exercise so that you are constantly challenging yourself in different ways.

当激情退去,reality hits的时候,the thing you need to know is ,when you reach a point at which you are having difficulty getting better, it will be just one or two of the components of that skill, not all of them, that are holding you back.


第二,motivation .

首先,it's not about willpower.


In fact, if anything, the available evidence indicates that willpower is a very situation-specific attribute.

One of the most effective is to set aside a fixed time to practice that has been cleared of all other obligations and distractions.


what is inside you——intrinsic 内在的推动力


•~ (to sth)belonging to or part of the real nature of sth / sb

• 固有的;内在的;本身的:

»the intrinsic value of education


»These tasks were repetitive, lengthy and lacking any intrinsic interest.


»Small local shops are intrinsic to the town's character.



1.As long as you recognize this new identity as flowing from the many hours of practice that you devoted to developing your skill, further practice comes to feel more like an investment than an expense.

2.surround youeself with like-minded individuals for support and encouragement. What struck me most is how Franklin create an environment that works for him.

By creating the club, he not only ensured himself regular access to some of the most interesting people in the city, but he was giving himself extra motivation (as if he needed any) to delve into these topics himself.

感悟:非常喜欢富兰克林办 junto 的想法。“in the sincere spirit of inquiry after truth, without fondness for dispute or desire of victory.” 集结这样一帮有识青年,不为说服,而是从交流中探索真知。现在网络让这种连接更加便捷,我们该怎么利用呢?




(behind sb / sth)|~ (behind)to move or develop slowly or more slowly than other people, organizations, etc.

• 缓慢移动;发展缓慢;滞后;落后于


»The little boy lagged behind his parents.


»We still lag far behind many of our competitors in using modern technology.



ATTRACTION吸引力  noun countable

■something which attracts people有吸引力的东西

•"How can we persuade people to come to the meeting?" "A glass of wine is quite a good pull."“我们怎么才能说服人们来开会呢?”“请他们喝杯酒效果会相当不错。”


■the physical or emotional power to attract吸引力,魅力

•The greater the mass of an object, the greater its gravitational pull.物体的质量越大重力也就越大。

Let’s get one thing out of the way right up front.


[ʌp'frʌnt]adjective[after verb]

■speaking or behaving in a way which makes intentions and beliefs clear公开的;坦率的

•She's very up front about why she wants the job - she'd earn a lot more money.她毫不掩饰自己想要获得这份工作的原因——她想赚更多的钱。

ˈhear of sb/sth|ˈhear sth of

to know about sb/sth because you have been told about them

•I've never heard of the place.

•I was so sorry to hear of your father's death.

“in the sincere spirit of inquiry after truth, without fondness for dispute or desire of victory.”


  • PEAK12

    今天的topic is about how to rise above/get past plateaus and...


