

作者: 藏品鉴赏Zoe周凌霞 | 来源:发表于2018-11-10 16:37 被阅读0次


    规格:直径 112.4mm,高50.8mm













    There are five kinds of rhinos in the world: white rhino, black rhino, Indian rhino, Javan rhino and Sumatran rhino. White rhinos and black rhinos live in Africa, while Indian, Javan and Sumatran rhinos belong to Asian rhinos. They usually live in northern Pakistan, Assam, Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh. India rhinoceros live only in Assam, northern India, and parts of Nepal. Indian rhino, also known as the Big Unihorn Rhino, has only one nose horn, skin like armour, and a larger body. It is the second largest rhino after the White Rhino. Although the number is not large, only more than a thousand, it is still the largest rhino in Asia. Javan rhino, also known as the Small Unihorn Rhino, is similar in shape to Indian rhino rhino, but has a slightly smaller body, only male. Sex has a corner. Javan rhinoceros, originally distributed in the vast areas of Southeast Asia, is now only found in a forest in the Western extreme of Java Island and Vietnam, with a total of only a few dozen, and no artificial breeding. It is one of the most precious animals in existence. Legend has it that this Unicorn rhinoceros has also appeared in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, China, dating back 20 years ago. Historically, throughout central and southern China, "Yan" in ancient Chinese books refers to this kind of Javan rhinoceros. In Chinese Taoism, the riding of Lao Tzu (Lao Tzu), the goddess of Taoism, is based on it; Sumen rhinoceros is the smallest and only hairy rhinoceros in existence, which is distributed in the vast area of Southeast Asia as Javan rhinoceros. The distribution is fragmentary, but it is more widely distributed than Java rhinoceros.

    Asian rhinoceros and African rhinoceros can be easily distinguished. One way to identify rhino horns is to look at them. Asian rhinos have one horn on their head, while African rhinos have two horns. In addition, it can also be distinguished from rhino skin, Asian rhino skin can clearly see deep creases, as if wearing armor, while African rhino skin is relatively smooth, no creases.

    All rhinoceroses are herbivores. They usually feed on grass, fruit, leaves and crops. Rhinoceroses usually come out in the morning or in the evening to avoid higher temperatures during the day. They usually weigh about 2000 kilograms and live for about 40 years.

    During the Qing Dynasty, the rhinoceros horn species were standardized. The rhinoceros horns from islands such as central Asia and the Pacific are called "sub-horns". The rhinoceros horns from distant African continent are called "non-horns". The "non-horns" are also called "wide-angle" because of their docks in Guangzhou when they enter China. "Wide angle", also known as "Tianma Jiao", has a fine texture than "sub angle", but its efficacy is not as good as "inferior angle".

    Rhinoceros horns are long on the nose, with single and double horns, nearly cylindrical or large elliptic cylindrical shape; generally, horns are bifurcated on both sides of the forehead and are flat cylindrical. The growth characteristics of rhino horn are characterized by "anterior furrow post". What is "post ditch"? Looking toward the corner tip, there is a concave ditch, which is the "front ditch". Looking toward the nose, there is a protruding hill, which is the "back hill". Because of this "hill", the edge of rhino horn cup has a flat feeling.

    Rhinoceros horn has all the commonalities of horns, that is, "front solid and back empty", "front solid" means that the place pointing to the tip of the horn is solid; and "back empty" means that the place pointing to the nose or the head is hollow. The bigger the ox age, the longer the hollow, the shorter the solid.

    Whether "sub-rhino" or "non-rhino", they are "rare", and rhino horn carving crafts in Ming and Qing Dynasties are even rarer.

    When Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty, someone said that Chilong was water essence and could be fireproof. He suggested putting it on the roof to avoid fire. Secondly, the second son of the Nine Dragons was said in the ancient book: "The second one is kissing and having good sexual expectations, and now the animal head on the house is the same." (Beast-like shape, good habit of looking or dangerous, become today's temple roof, pagodas and other high dragons or roof animal roof, corner beasts, can also press fire.) According to the above statement, the dragon's original shape should be house lizard in our life.

    This Chilong rhinoceros horn bowl is carved in whole piece. Its color is amber, yellowish brown, upper shallow, lower deep and slightly translucent. It is made of deep relief and carved with translucent technique. With a huge rhinoceros horn digging and carving, open, two sides of the sculpture of several dragon patterns, climbing on both sides of the cup body, strong body, ferocious face, sharp fingers and claws, tail feathers elegant, the vigor of the dragon and the performance of the sky incisive and vivid, the cup body imitates the Warring Han bronze decoration, to pick out the ground shallow relief sculpture. The decorative pattern of the case is abstracted, and it is very abstract and exquisite.



