原来的单词书没掉了。前几天在校门口二手书店花了14块钱买了一本《扇贝循环单词书》。这本书是真的厉害。快两千个词,我背了三天,每一节里的词我基本都不认识。每一节大概有40个单词左右。然后又附带的上一节的单词的例句。我每天背一节需要两个小时左右,这样子算一天背两节单词难度还真的有点大。到了暑假图书馆还是很多人,这些都是能摘到星星的人吧。“时人不识凌云木,直待凌云始道高。和 夜来一笑寒灯下,始是金丹换骨时。”每天在图书馆门口吹着风背着词,感觉挺过瘾的。我结合我的小程序《记忆卡片》去背单词,我感觉这种方法还是很适合我的!希望这个暑假可以把这本书背下来。
- grove
- dealar
- descendant
- baffle
- tow
- liner
- frightful
- deficient
- novelty
- clamp
- ferry
- ascribe
- striking
- prick
- promptly
- remain
-distinctive - Innovation
I nerver doubted the sincerity of ...
not accord with
in a state of flux
run errands
move it upstairs
is a great magnet for
make a vaild assumption
start a firm
Silicon Valley giant
nearing its lowest ebb
Jony Ive, designer who made Apple look like Apple, is leaving to start a firm
The New York Times
Jony Ive, Apple’s chief design officer and one of the most influential executives(高管) in the history of the Silicon Valley giant, is leaving the company.
Ive will depart this year to start his own design company, Apple said Thursday. Through his new firm, LoveFrom, Ive will continue to work on a wide range of Apple products, the company said.
Ive, who has worked at Apple for nearly three decades, was responsible for the look and feel of many iconic Apple products, including the iPhone and the iMac. He also helped design Apple’s new headquarters(总部大楼), a futuristic, flying-saucer-like glass building that has become one of the most distinctive structures in Silicon Valley.
Born and raised outside London, Ive joined Apple in 1992, when the company was (最低潮). But Ive became a key player in the company’s revival after its founder Steve Jobs returned in 1997.
“The difference that Jony has made, not only at Apple but in the world, is huge, ” Jobs told Walter Isaacson, according to Isaacson’s biography Steve Jobs. “He understands what we do at our core better than anyone.”
Though he and Jobs came to represent the company’s unique approach(途径) to design, Ive always made a point of saying he was just one piece in the puzzle. “Innovation at Apple has always been a team game, ” he told the Times.
苹果的产品真的是有工匠精神的啊,小时候拆过苹果手机,苹果的每一根排线都布置的整整齐齐,苹果的成功也正是lve 以及jobs这样的一批灵魂工匠造就的。lve还很谦虚,说“e was just one piece in the puzzle. “Innovation at Apple has always been a team game, ” he told the Times.”