1106 Shift n.

1106 Shift n.

作者: 阿睐睃 | 来源:发表于2018-11-06 17:08 被阅读0次

    Shift n. 注意不同词性的转变用法

    1. 基本释义

    change 改变1  [countable] shift(in sth) a change in position or direction 改变;转移;转换;变换

    a dramatic shift in public opinion公众舆论的急剧变化

    a shift of emphasis重点的转移

    ☞see also paradigm shift a great and important change in the way sth is done or thought about 范式转移(指行事或思维方式的重大变化)

    2. 词语搭配

    distinct, dramatic, fundamental, major, marked, profound, pronounced, radical, significant, substantial

    明显的/ 戏剧性的/ 根本的/ 重大的/ 深远的/ 彻底的转变

    discernible 显而易见的变化

    slight, subtle 细微的变化;微妙的变化

    gradual 逐渐的变化

    abrupt, sudden 突然的改变

    decisive, irreversible, long-term 决定性的变化;不可逆转的改变;长期的变化

    climate, cultural, demographic (population), ideological, policy 气候变化;文化变迁;人口的转移;意识形态的转变;政策变化

    *3. 词性之间的转化

    1 Attitudes to homosexuality have shifted (v.) in recent years.

    2 Recent years have seen a shift (n.) in attitudes to homosexuality.

    注意2的词组搭配:a shift in attitude

    其它搭配:a shift in public opinion/perspective; a shift in emphasis/mood/tone; a shift in direction/focus/policy/strategy

    4. 范例


    With the gloomy economy comes a shift in personal financial focus: people are more careful about spending and tend to spend primarily on truly necessary items.(这句话中使用了倒装句式,把 comes 提前了,正常语序应该是:A shift comes in personal financial focus with the gloomy economy)   


    Alphabet has confronted worrisome transitions before, such as the shift from desktop PCs to mobile. Its ad business is still booming, because it devised a way to deliver ads on small screens. It is possible that Google’s ad model could in future shift to taking a fee for each transaction it facilitates.   

    5. 造句

    With the gloomy economy comes a shift in personal financial focus: people are more careful about spending and tend to spend primarily on truly necessary items.

    仿写:With a change in the orientation and angles between the Earth and its nearest star comes a shift in time pattern of a day in most of Europe and parts of America: Winter time is coming.

    1106 Shift n.



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