I wonder how Mary fared in her work at hospital.
As a kid less than two years old, he fares reasonably well in talking.
Sam fared badly in baskets and had, to many's surprise, gave up.
John 上周末才考完雅思,我还不知道他考的怎么样。
I wondered how John fared in the IELTS last weekend.
(参考翻译:I wonder how John fared in his IELTS last weekend. 或 It remains unclear how John fared in his IELTS last weekend.)
The theory of learning foreign languages is usually obscure to navigate.
Only half of the people finished the reading homework, because of the reading list is hard to navigate.
(参考翻译:Only half the students completed the assignment because the reading list was unusually obscure to navigate.)
“boost”可以作名词也可以作动词,意思是“增强、促进、刺激”,我们今天学习它作动词的用法。boost 在外媒中出现频率极高,尤其是经济和商业相关的文章中很难不碰到它。根据不同的语境,它可以替换 increase, improve, strengthen 等词,后面接的常见名词有 economy, sales, confidence, morale, productivity 等。我们来看几个例句。
The new port will undoubtedly boost local economy.
2008 年济州岛开始对中国公民面签后极大地刺激了当地的旅游业,就可以说:
That Jeju Island waived the visa for Chinese citizens in 2008 considerably boosted its tourism.
Having good habits will undoubtedly boost efficiency.
This powerful app can greatly boost work efficiency for people who can hardly focus will.
(参考翻译:This powerful app will greatly boost productivity of those who find themselves hard to concentrate. 或 Those who find themselves hard to focus will find their productivity greatly boosted by this powerful app.)
/'dʒɛpɚdaɪz/ /'dʒɛpɚdaɪz/
“jeopardize”是动词,意思是“危及、损害、影响”,是一个出现频率甚高的动词。它可以替换 hurt, endanger, put something at risk 等词,后面一般接 chances, interests, ability, future, safety 等词。我们来看几个例句。
The scandal that involved Liu Qiangdong, CEO of JD, seriously jeopardized the company's interests.
Scandals could severely jeopardize politicians' chances of being re-elected.
Any failure of delivery could potentially jeopardize the company's ability to do business.
《经济学人》最近在一篇关于核武器控制的文章中用到了 jeopardize:
The task for America and NATO is to meet the Russian challenge without triggering an arms race that would split the alliance and jeopardise what is left of global arms control.
The bank’s shareholders must also know that, if they were to reject Mr Malpass, Mr Trump could turn violently against the institution. That would scupper the chances of America’s Congress ratifying the agreed capital increase. It would also jeopardise future American contributions to the World Bank’s fund for helping the neediest countries.
注意,这段话第二句中的“scupper (the chances)”和第三句中的“jeopardise”是同义词,都表示“危及、损害”。不过 scupper 出现的频率远低于 jeopardise,我们只需要认识即可。
If she fails this judicial examination,.that will jeopardize her career prospects.
(参考翻译:Failing the law exam could potentially jeopardize her professional prospects.)
prospects. 前景时是复数名词
Lack of good education jeopardized his future.
What you may reap in autumn boils down to what you sowed in spring.
The argument boils down to ethics rather than laws.
embark on
After the birth of my son, I embarked a plan to learn English.
He is going to embark on a new career as a hardcore rapper.
is about to
Professionals have to weather some difficulties from time to time.
This company has weathered crisis and flourished at last.
(参考翻译: The company has weathered the financial crisis and ultimately thrived.)
is home to
Beijing is home to more than 91 colleges.
埃塞尔比亚有 80 多个民族。
Ethiopia is home to 80 ethnic groups.
(参考翻译:Ethiopia is home to more than 80 ethnic groups.)
pursue 追求,跟perfect也挺搭的
“pursue”是动词,它有多个意思,比如“追逐(罪犯)”和“从事(某一职业)”。我们今天要学的是它作“追求”的意思。它可以组成很多地道的搭配,比如 pursue a goal/aim/objective, pursue a dream, pursue love/truth/success/growth 等。这些搭配在口语和写作中都可以使用,包括托福雅思考试。
下面通过几个例句来掌握 pursue 作“追求”的用法。
After celebrating the Chinese New Year, people have returned to work and started to pursue new goals.
Many ambitious young people give up cushy jobs in their hometowns and relocate to big cities to pursue their dreams.
《经济学人》在一篇关于英国老牌汽车公司 Morgan Motor Company 的文章中用到了 pursue:
The company, still owned by the family that founded it in 1909, does not pursue the relentless growth that other carmakers crave.
Some apps are more concerned about ensuring optimal user experience than pursuing relentless growth.
另一篇写石油公司 ExxonMobil(埃克森美孚)的《经济学人》文章中也用到了 pursue growth 这一搭配:
No firm embodies this strategy better than ExxonMobil, the giant that rivals admire and green activists love to hate. As our briefing explains, it plans to pump 25% more oil and gas in 2025 than in 2017. If the rest of the industry pursues even modest growth, the consequence for the climate could be disastrous.
最后,我们顺便来学习一下 pursue 的名词形式 pursuit。如果你知道美国经典电影《当幸福来敲门》(The Pursuit of Happyness),熟悉美国《独立宣言》中的经典表达“life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”,那你应该不会忘记 pursuit。前面的例句也可以用 pursue 的名词形式 pursuit 来稍作改写:
Many ambitious young people give up cushy jobs in their hometowns and relocate to big cities in pursuit of their dreams.
Chinese dream means that Chinese people has more opportunity to persue success.
People should not pursue their own happiness at the expense of others.
perfect 完美,提高,一年聚焦几件事
When we start to do something, we should do our best to perfect the skills. Saddly, the lazy side often wins, and for the most time, we can not focus our attention.
It was in college at Germany that he perfected German.
(参考翻译:It was during his undergraduate years in Germany that he perfected his German.)
无论如何,是in Germany,不是at
“perfect”既可以作形容词也可以作动词,作动词的意思是“使......完美、提高”,可以和 improve 同义替换。略有不同的是,perfect 更能体现一个人的决心和持久力,有精益求精、匠人之心的意思。从 perfect 的动词意思也可以看得出,它后面经常会接 skill, technique 等词。
注意:perfect 作形容词的读音是/ˈpəːfɪkt/;作动词时,它的读音和重音都会发生变化,读成/pəˈfɛkt/。
1. It was in college that Barack Obama perfected the art of oratory/public speaking.
Sherry 老师一直在找机会精进自己的咖啡拉花(latte art)技术
2. Sherry has taken every opportunity to perfect her latte art.
NBA 球星史蒂芬•库里以出色的运球技能闻名,可能没有谁比他在运球上更追求精益求精了:
3. When it comes to perfecting the dribbling technique, perhaps no other basketball player has worked harder than Stephen Curry, a six-time NBA All-Star.
“mean”作动词除了“意思是”外,还常用来表示“意味着”“产生......的结果”。想表达“A 事件意味着/导致某种情况”时,就可以想到使用 mean,这也是外刊中常见的用法。这个意思看似简单,但很多英语学习者可能并没有掌握。我们来通过几个例句掌握这个用法。
1. A meager salary means that the family has to choose between paying rent and buying groceries.
2. The pouring rain means that the football match will be canceled.
从以上例句可以看出,mean 后面常接从句。它也可以直接接名词短语或者动名词。比如:
3. A promotion doesn't necessarily mean a pay raise. (mean 后直接接名词)
Trade war means the troubled economy.
Bad economy means many companies have to reduce staff.
4. (参考翻译:The troubled economy means that many companies will resort to layoffs.)
Reducing Staff
Businesses reduce staff to cut costs and align their employee numbers with the amount of work that's available. There are two main ways to reduce staff: permanent layoffs and temporary layoffs. In a permanent layoff, a small business usually targets a certain group, such as poor performers, the newly hired or those earning the most money. Another way to reduce staff is to offer a buyout. This is a monetary inducement to get people to leave their jobs, and it usually is targeted at older workers who are near retirement age. In a temporary layoff, the business lays off workers with the promise or expectation that they will get their jobs back, with full pay, benefits and seniority when business picks back up.
英英释义:to publicly support or defend a set of beliefs, political aims, or a group of people
If you champion a person, a cause, or a principle, you support or defend them. [V n]
例句:We champion the cause of liberty.
“champion”即是名词也是动词,作为名词可以表示“冠军”“支持者”,作为动词表示“支持”“捍卫”,今天我们学习的是动词用法。当我们想表达“支持”“捍卫”时,除了用 support 和 defend,也可以用 champion。
I’m running for president. Everyday Americans need a champion. And I want to be that champion.(这里的“everyday”是“odinary”的意思)
He has championed equal rights of color people for many years.
许多非政府组织(Non-Governmental Organization)力图捍卫教育平等。
Many Non-Govermental Organizations try to champion fair education.
(参考翻译:Many NGOs seek to champion the cause of education equality.)