

作者: 4thirteen2one | 来源:发表于2019-04-23 13:54 被阅读0次

1. 基本类型

import QtQuick 2.0
// import the types that are required

// Declare a root element using the Rectangle type, 
// which is one of the basic building blocks to create an application in QML
Rectangle {
    // Give it an id so that you can refer to it later
    id: page
    width: 500; height: 200
    color: "lightgray"

    // Add a Text element as the child of the Rectangle element
    // to display the text, ‘Hello world!’.
    Text {
        id: helloText
        text: "Hello world!"
        // position it at 30 pixels from the top of its parent
        y: 30
        // the text element is horizontally centered in the page element
        anchors.horizontalCenter: page.horizontalCenter
        font.pointSize: 24; font.bold: true

使用 qmlscene 工具预览界面:
D:\Qt\Qt5.12.3\5.12.3\msvc2017_64\bin\qmlscene view.qml


2. QML组件


  • Cell.qml

    import QtQuick 2.0
    // The root element of the component is an Item with the id, container. 
    // An Item is the most basic visual element in QML and is often used as a container for other elements.
    Item {
        id: container
        // 矩形颜色的属性的别名 cellColor
        property alias cellColor: rectangle.color
        // 参数类型为color、参数名为cellColor的信号量clicked
        signal clicked(color cellColor)
        width: 40; height: 25
        // The cell component is basically a colored rectangle with the id, rectangle.
        Rectangle {
            id: rectangle
            border.color: "white"
            // 填充,使矩形的大小与其父级相同。
            anchors.fill: parent
        // A MouseArea enables you to react to mouse events such as clicked, hover, and so on
        MouseArea {
            anchors.fill: parent
            onClicked: container.clicked(container.cellColor)
  • main.qml

    import QtQuick 2.0
    Rectangle {
        id: page
        width: 500; height: 200
        color: "lightgray"
        Text {
            id: helloText
            text: "Hello world!"
            y: 30
            anchors.horizontalCenter: page.horizontalCenter
            font.pointSize: 24; font.bold: true
        Grid {
            id: colorPicker
            x: 4; anchors.bottom: page.bottom; anchors.bottomMargin: 4
            rows: 2; columns: 3; spacing: 3
            // Create the color picker by putting 6 cells with different colors in a grid.
            Cell { cellColor: "red"; onClicked: helloText.color = cellColor }
            Cell { cellColor: "green"; onClicked: helloText.color = cellColor }
            Cell { cellColor: "blue"; onClicked: helloText.color = cellColor }
            Cell { cellColor: "yellow"; onClicked: helloText.color = cellColor }
            Cell { cellColor: "steelblue"; onClicked: helloText.color = cellColor }
            Cell { cellColor: "black"; onClicked: helloText.color = cellColor }
            // When the clicked signal of a cell is triggered, 
            // set the color of the text to the cellColor passed as a parameter. 
            // You can react to a signal of a component through a handler of the name, ‘onSignalName’.
  • 使用 qmlscene 工具预览:D:\Qt\Qt5.12.3\5.12.3\msvc2017_64\bin\qmlscene main.qml

    color picker.png



