ashtanga非常顺畅,早晨3点起来vipa,还是想很多J,ashtanga第一排,决定不会国,去goa,不去srilanka,退bus票,也没有等chanting,7.45一路去了知名的chai stop,idli要了一个,发现其他人都是5个6个,daida也是3个以上,聊得高兴,关于nico澳大利亚人讲西班牙法语瑞典语,也学非洲swali,very charming,自己不做intermedia led,开心看到学生笑容,而且ins不要出名,都是我喜欢的,聊到我要去goa,建议去gokarna,第二个人啦,还有yogagurukula,第二个专业人士推荐,肯定是有原因的,我开始激动!
Daida吃完早餐竟然开sccoter回去chanting,让我一起,完全没兴趣;一个荷兰女孩要去uganda,每年6个月amsterdam,6个月到处旅行,palolem beach推荐,因为两个月和很多人一起需要一个人安静一些,很多人都是如此,我还ok,毫不犹豫就是要走,goa或者gokarna,想过是否VJ mysore,很快pass。现在知道gurukula已经满了,那就Sharmila或者gokarna,都ok。GOA就飞机,Gokarna就bus,简单!
享受最后5天,每一刻都是享受。看了james hanuman故事,enroll yogaanytime,我也做了很多努力啦!
我在depth & Green latte,停电,自恋狂C和一个中国女孩亲昵得很,我试图做些case进展,无需关注skema课件。花了一点时间找到Jayashree家,一进去两个学生在学习sanskirt,好太太身体臃肿但精神不错,唱颂很好听,之后去了后面才知道是另一个entrace,几个人都在,是philosophy class,老头教,learning:
Buddha voluntarily came back to help others, so with karma as long as in the world.
Teacher told disciples I am coming back as a pig for mistake, kill me with star sign on my head. When pig is born and going to be killed, pig starts begging for life. it is nature for survival.
Animal can not reach higher state unless they become human.
老头老太太很喜欢用糖尿病吃糖来做karma比喻,估计亲身经历,julie也来了,她和旁边中国女孩唱颂很好,之后J说提供4天TM,每天2点开始,我几乎激动就要sign啦,好在问了一下,和tingting,一个mysore研究生一边学习computer一面瑜伽,一起坐它车去了sree shala,mysore有几个印度老师都讲说中文,教后弯,我看了一眼赶紧走了,正好找到mumu地方deep tissue massage,环境简单,一个年轻男人一个远离中心house,我第二次提到是james朋友,kumar介绍,按摩还是不错的,这里男人按摩力气大一些,还是油压,之后正好回来吃饭。
Maxi马上要走,我们第一次房间里吃饭,ajit也没吃,在做shivanga,42天练习,今天dish也非常好吃,idli超级tasty,我还是问题大王,每个人最深刻mysore回忆:union of three of us for ajit, community of similar mindset and habit people for Maxi, practice with Sharath for Moha, deep philosophy discovery with ashtanga for me. I asked Ajit to know he is single, want to do full time volunteer for Isha, getting the house from his great grandmother, then Maxi is leaving, moha we talked about his worry on going back to break up with his "girl friend" who depending on him a lot, on his not be able to be alone which I am familiar and also our attachment being seen as good person.
Both of them for different reason can not eat much I did eat all and feel so full, so walked and wonder J will to reach out to me for proposal the walk or anything, but I did listen to his video and going to buy supplements for his health.
Also decided to go to GOA, even Sharmila is not having space, maybe Rolf or purple valley, let us confirm tomorrow then. Good day, many new things worthwhile!