App Icon on iPhone iPad and Appl

App Icon on iPhone iPad and Appl

作者: Elenx | 来源:发表于2017-01-06 22:52 被阅读42次
Note: All icon images must be in PNG format. Icon images may include an alpha channel but should not include any transparent regions
Important: iTunesArtwork icon images should be in png format, but name them without the .png extension.
1. iPhone-only icons
iPhone-only icons.png
2. iPad-only icons
iPad-only icons.png
3. Universal icons
Universal icons.png
Important: Icons for Watch applications must be added to the Watch App target. Do not add Watch icons to the iOS app target or the Watch Extension target
4. Watch icons
Watch icons.png
Important: These icons must be added to the iMessages extension or Sticker Pack extension target
5. iMessage Extensions icons
iMessage Extensions icons.png



      本文标题:App Icon on iPhone iPad and Appl
