Psychology introduction

Psychology introduction

作者: 小简猫 | 来源:发表于2017-09-13 23:23 被阅读6次

    01 introduction

    • Brains, children, language, sex, memory, madness, disgust, racism, love, etc.
    • Human mind

    • Major approaches to the mind
      ○ Neuroscience
      ○ Development
      ○ Cognitive
      ○ Social
      ○ Clinical
    • Reading and attending the lecture
    • Some of the article reading online

    Structuralism: knowledge through reduction into elements
    - Wilhelm Wundt(1832-1920) : mental 'atom'
    ○ Used reaction time and introspection
    Functionalism: knowledge through understanding utility
    - William James(1842-1910): reached the purpose of conscious behavior
    - Experimentation and 'naturalistic' introspection
    Empiricism: knowledge through sensory observation
    - Behaviour
    Rationalism: through reason and logic
    - General statements (universals) cannot be a result of finite observations
    - Underpinned' cognitive revolution' c. 1960
    ○ Chomsky's
    Modern twist
    - Empiricists distrust ideas in private minds
    - Activity of mind now )indirectly) observable
    - Empirism or rationalism?
    Hypothesis: (educated 'guess')
    - Specific testable situations

    Good theories are: falsifies, can explains many observation and generate new prediction



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