

作者: 宇宙公民幽灵老师 | 来源:发表于2019-08-20 16:03 被阅读0次



    Your speech objectives

    Some people like to be seen and enjoy performing. Others don't.

    Most of the time, speaking to the public is not a choice, but a necessity, especially in the overseas markets. If you can make public speech in English and speak well, you can help to create the valuable asset for your firms public image and branding.

    What I am basically trying to achieve in this speech?

    This is the first question you must ask before actually writing the address and delivering it.

    Whatever the basic goal might be, you need to clearly

    define what that is as the first step in preparing to speak in public, and better write it down.

    Clarifying both your own objective and the requirements

    of the organizers of the event you are speaking at is the first two things in delivering a successful speech.

    Your audience receives your speech not only by the words you use, but also by the tone you speak, the passion in your words, the gesture while you are speaking, the expression on your face. Those body language in addition to the words being translated are usually more important but often missed by the plain translation.

    Here I share one sentence that I love it very much.

    If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head, If you talk to him in his own language

    that goes to his heart.

    Be confident!

    People often wonder about the secret for effectively speaking in public.

    The answer can be summed up in one word: Confidence! Some people feel nervous when speaking in public. People who are not native English speakers often become even more nervous about speaking in public when delivering heir speeches in English.

    Shared experience:

    Firstly be confident. Once you start it, your English will only get better, not worse;

    Secondly, be bold. Don't be shy. Knowing that your English will never be as good as a native speaker, so don't be afraid of asking questions.

    Thirdly, language is not everything. Your attitudes, your body language, your curiosity about different cultures are all important!

    AIM for a good speech

    What is AIM?

    It's an abbreviation of Audience,Interest and Message. Before you start your presentation, you need to think about: Who is your audience? Why are they interested in listening to you?  What's your message? To deliver a great speech, it's important to know your audience. Who are they? What. if any,connection do you have with them? What do they know? What don't they know? How much do they know about you?

    What do you want them to know?

    What are they interested in hearing you to talk about?

    Why do they want you taIk to them?

    What's the benefit for them to listen to your speech?

    How do you want your speech to influence the way they live their lives?

    What do you want them to do? To think?

    Next step of developing your message:

    What is your message?

    You will need to deliver a message that is tailored to your audience. So once again, it is absolutely crucial to

    properly gauge your audience when preparing for any kind of speech.

    Speaking Tactics:


    Meaning is simple. To trusted person(ethos), tell a good story (pathos), and to demonstrate the logic underlying what you say (logos).

    Demonstrating that one has a good character is a first step in successfully delivering speech.

    A key to establishing good ethos is simply being yourself. Trying to be someone else will make you come off as being fake and untrustworthy. Sincerity is a key to credibility. At the same time, you need to be kind and behave according to accepted norms of conduct.

    pathos refers to the ability to arouse the passions of the listeners. Pathos is the key factor in getting a speech to motivate the audience, like start an engine.

    logos,or the logic underlying the speech,comes last.

    Begin with a good story to arouse the emotions of your listeners and then follow with sound logic to make them take action.



