下载 O'reilly 电子书

下载 O'reilly 电子书

作者: 非鱼知乐 | 来源:发表于2024-05-10 23:46 被阅读0次


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    [-] Title: A Tour of C++, 3rd Edition                                           
    [-] Authors: Bjarne Stroustrup                                                  
    [-] Identifier: 9780136823575                                                   
    [-] ISBN: 9780136823575                                                         
    [-] Publishers: Addison-Wesley Professional                                     
    [-] Rights:                                                                     
    [-] Description: In A Tour of C++, Third Edition, Bjarne Stroustrup provides an overview of ISO C++, C++20, that aims to give experienced programmers a clear understanding of what constitutes modern C++. Featuring carefully crafted examples and practical help in getting started, this revised and updated edition concisely covers most major language features and the major standard-library components needed for effective use.Stroustrup presents C++ features in the context of the programming styles they support, suc...
    [-] Release Date: 2022-09-30                                                    
    [-] URL: https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/a-tour-of/9780136823575/     
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