Biblical Contract
I understand that by the grace of God and not because I sought Him, I am choosing this day forward, to suffer affliction with the righteous, instead of enjoying the temporal pleasures of sin with the wicked.
And that any times of peace, or freedom from persecution, shall not in anyway negate the promise, that “all who desire to live godly in Christ, shall indeed suffer persecution.” With this in mind, I shall not think it a strange thing, if I go at once from freedom to prison, or death.
If I find myself in prison, I shall remind myself, that though I am bound, the word of God cannot be bound. Most importantly, I shall stake all my confidence in the knowledge, that whatever happens to me, no matter how evil; My loving Father has allowed it, or it could not possibly happen to me.
From this I shall derive the greatest strength and resolve in Christ Jesus.
I understand fully, that I have now a Lord, Master, and King, to Whom I am a slave. I understand that He has not made mere suggestions to me, or asked me to do anything, But rather, as my King and Master, He has commanded me to obey Him.
I am full aware that I am to love my enemies, and pray for my persecutors, and bless those who curse me; and that by this, God is glorified. I also understand, that as I have been forgiven of a multifarious number of sins: past, present and future; I am now commanded to forgive all who live, no matter what evil they have done to me, or to my loved ones; anything less, is me trying to take over God’s throne; for He has said “Vengeance is Mine.”
From this day forward, I am commanded to forsake all, and pick up my cross, and follow Him. I am aware that His word is perfect, and unchanging, and therefore, modern society is fully and adequately addressed in scripture, and His word is sufficient for showing me how to behave myself in the house of God and in this world.
I fully understand, that I am appointed to abide in Him, and bear good fruit.
If my knees should become weak because this world hates me, I will stir up my memory, that though You are the creator of all; they hated You first; because they have not know the Father who sent You; and therefore if they hated You, my Lord and King, who am I, to think they shall not hate me also?
I am also aware, that though You promised me persecution. You never made that promise autonomous from the encouragement, that I should be of great cheer, for You have overcome the world; or that I should leap for joy and be exceedingly glad, for great is my reward in heaven, or that the sufferings of this world are not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in the Christian; for we shall have a crown of righteousness laid up for us; every tear wiped from our eyes, and we shall enter the joy of our Lord.
Scott Thomas Burn