2023-07-21 寻找住所

2023-07-21 寻找住所

作者: 熊一二 | 来源:发表于2023-07-20 16:55 被阅读0次


    what a + 名词词组! 表示感叹
    what a + 名词词组 + 从句! 表示感叹,尤其是 what a pity + that 从句 的句式

    hello !
    hello , are you mike?
    yes , i called about the apartment yesterday.
    please come in, i can show you around, i am the apartment manager Liu.
    thanks. Liu.
    you can see that it has one bedroom , one bathroom, a kitchen , and a big living room.
    wow, this place is a amazing, i like it .
    it comes with all of the furniture that you see here.
    i love the furniture. what a nice sofa. how much is the rent?
    it is a very good price, it costs ¥3300 per month.
    the price is good, but it took me a long time to get here. my job is in the city center.
    well, this is very [far outside of 远远超长] the city center. that's why the price is so good.
    i really like the place. what a pity that it's so far from work!

    what is the conversation about?

    how much is the rent?

    what does he think about the rent ?

    where is his job?

    why is the price of the apartment so good?

    rent is the money that you pay to live in a house.

    a price is how much you pay to buy something.

    the center of something means the middle part of it.
    this is the city center.

    if you say something is a pity , you feel sorry about it.

    per means for each, my apartment costs 3300RMB per month.

    far means not close, my apartment is far from the subway.



          本文标题:2023-07-21 寻找住所
