
作者: import_hello | 来源:发表于2018-09-17 15:12 被阅读0次


    内置函数 type() 其实是元类 type 的构造函数,有如下两种使用方式:

    class type(object)

    🔨type(object) -> the object's type

    对于新式类,type(object) 的返回值通常与 object.__class__ 相同。

    >>> # in Python 3
    >>> type(3)
    <class 'int'>
    >>> type(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'])
    <class 'list'>
    >>> t = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
    >>> type(t)
    <class 'tuple'>
    >>> class Foo: pass
    >>> type(Foo())
    <class '__main__.Foo'>

    当我们需要测试某个对象的类型时,最好使用内置函数 isinstance,因为该函数会将子类也纳入测试范围。

    >>> type("hello") is str
    >>> type("hello") is object
    >>> isinstance("hello",object)

    See also Type Objects.

    class type(name, bases, dict)

    🔨type(name, bases, dict) -> a new type(or class) object:

    • name : a string specifies a name of new type(or class) object. This becomes the __name__ attribute of the type(or class).
    • bases : a tuple itemizes the base classes. This becomes the __bases__ attribute of the type(or class).
    • dict : a dictionary is the namespace containing definitions for class body . This becomes the __dict__ attribute of the type(or class).

    type(name, bases, dict) 是类定义语句的动态形式。在保证参数一直的前提下,通过这两种方式构造出的类对象完全等效。,示例如下:

    >>> class X:
    ...     a = 1
    >>> X = type('X', (object,), dict(a=1))

    此示例中,创建类对象 X 的两种方式完全等效。

    Changed in version 3.6: Subclasses of type which don't override type.__new__ may no longer use the one-argument form to get the type of an object.

    >>> class type_(type): pass
    >>> type_("hello")
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<pyshell#14>", line 1, in <module>
    TypeError: type.__new__() takes exactly 3 arguments (1 given)

    Example 1

    In this first example, the bases and dict arguments passed to type() are both empty. No inheritance from any parent class is specified, and nothing is initially placed in the namespace dictionary.

    >>> Foo = type('Foo', (), {})
    >>> x = Foo()
    >>> x
    <__main__.Foo object at 0x04CFAD50>

    Foo 类也可通过类定义语句构造,如下:(两种构造方式等效)

    >>> class Foo:
    ...     pass
    >>> x = Foo()
    >>> x
    <__main__.Foo object at 0x0370AD50>

    Example 2

    bases is a tuple with a single element Foo, specifying the parent class that Bar inherits from. An attribute, attr, is initially placed into the namespace dictionary:

    >>> Bar = type('Bar', (Foo,), dict(attr=100))
    >>> x = Bar()
    >>> x.attr
    >>> x.__class__
    <class '__main__.Bar'>
    >>> x.__class__.__bases__
    (<class '__main__.Foo'>,)

    Bar 类也可通过类定义语句构造,如下:(两种构造方式等效)

    >>> class Bar(Foo):
    ...     attr = 100
    >>> x = Bar()
    >>> x.attr
    >>> x.__class__
    <class '__main__.Bar'>
    >>> x.__class__.__bases__
    (<class '__main__.Foo'>,)

    Example 3

    This time, bases is again empty. Two objects are placed into the namespace dictionary via the dict argument. The first is an attribute named attr and the second a function named attr_val, which becomes a method of the defined class:

    >>> Foo = type(
    ...     'Foo',
    ...     (),
    ...     {
    ...         'attr': 100,
    ...         'attr_val': lambda x : x.attr
    ...     }
    ... )
    >>> x = Foo()
    >>> x.attr
    >>> x.attr_val()

    Foo 类也可通过类定义语句构造,如下:(两种构造方式等效)

    >>> class Foo:
    ...     attr = 100
    ...     def attr_val(self):
    ...         return self.attr
    >>> x = Foo()
    >>> x.attr
    >>> x.attr_val()

    Example 4

    Only very simple functions can be defined with lambda in Python. In the following example, a slightly more complex function is defined externally then assigned to attr_val in the namespace dictionary via the name f:

    >>> def f(obj):
    ...     print('attr =', obj.attr)
    >>> Foo = type(
    ...     'Foo',
    ...     (),
    ...     {
    ...         'attr': 100,
    ...         'attr_val': f
    ...     }
    ... )
    >>> x = Foo()
    >>> x.attr
    >>> x.attr_val()
    attr = 100

    Foo 类也可通过类定义语句构造,如下:(两种构造方式等效)

    >>> def f(obj):
    ...     print('attr =', obj.attr)
    >>> class Foo:
    ...     attr = 100
    ...     attr_val = f
    >>> x = Foo()
    >>> x.attr
    >>> x.attr_val()
    attr = 100




