The Good Wife S01E01

The Good Wife S01E01

作者: gula | 来源:发表于2016-12-19 23:43 被阅读0次

    1.I resigned as State's Attorney of Cook County.

    *resign as +职务

    2.I did this with a heavy heart and a deep commitment to fight these scurrilous charges.

    *heavy heart

    *scurrilous  诽谤性

    *fight the charges

    3.I have never abused my office.

    *abuse office 滥用职权

    4.I have never traded lighter sentences for financial or sexual


    *trade for

    *light sentence 轻判

    5.At the same time, I need to atone for my personal failings with my

    wife, Alicia, and our two children.

    *atone for something: do something to show you are sorry you did it.

    - atone for something with someone

    6.This is a major class action.A case that could propel us to the top rank of full service firms, and I don't think I need to remind you what that will do to your year-end bonuses.

    *class action 共同诉讼

    *propel someone to

    *top rank of

    *full service firm

    *year-end bonus

    7.Anyway, Sheffrin-Marks fired their last firm because they took their

    eye off the ball.

    *take one's eye off the ball: to fail to remain focused on or motivated about some goal, objective, or matter at hand.

    8.So, until further notice, your personal lives have been cancelled.

    9.So, we'll need some of you to help out with the lower profile client

    work to free up our top litigators.

    *lower profile client 小客户

    *free up somebody

    10.witness prep 证人准备

    pro bono 无偿的

    11.It's a real life saver.

    12.Glad you could come aboard.

    *come aboard 加入

    13.gunshot residue 枪弹残留

    14.And I think that goes double for you.


    15. Not only you coming back to the workplace fairly late, but you

    have some very prominent baggage.

    *prominent: well-known

    *baggage: you can use baggage to refer to one's emotional problems, fixed ideas, or prejudices. (感情或思想上的)包袱

    16.bail hearing 保释听证会

    recognizance release 保释

    17.I know we should be at each other's throats

    *be each other's throats 互相竞争

    18.tell me when I'm hogging her

    *hog somebody 独占

    19.Diane asked me to step in for her.

    *step in: 介入

    *step in for someone: 顶替

    20.The Criminal Court of Cook County is now in session, the Honorable Judge Richard Cuesta presiding.

    *now in session:现在开庭


    21.Your Honor, just to refresh your memory, the accused was deemed a flight risk due to an earlier custody hearing in which she threatened to run off with her daughter.

    *refresh one's memory : to remind sb. of sth.

    *the accused  被告

    22.deadlock 陷入僵局

    23.speedy trial 快速审理

    24.Your husband and I never quite saw eye to eye, ma'am.

    *see eye to eye 看法一致

    25.But if the prosecution thinks that this will in some way prejudice me against your client, he is sorely mistaken.

    *prejudice against对...有偏见

    *sorely: seriously

    -sorely mistaken 大错特错

    26.pretrial release 审前释放

    27.we got a flat 爆胎

    28.pickup truck 敞篷货车


    30.surveillance camera 监控摄像头

    31.custody 监护权

    32.Force yourself to. 强迫自己

    33.superficial things 表面工作

    34.If you identify with too many clients, you burn out.

    *identify with 同情

    *burn out 精疲力尽

    35.jury foreman 陪审团主席

    36.conviction 定罪;acquittal 无罪开释

    37.I tend to look at a person and size them up pretty quickly.

    *size sb/sth up / size up sb/sth: to form a judgement or an opinion about sb/sth

    38.It was either that or a cage match.

    *cage match: a gimmick match in pro wrestling 铁笼赛/激烈竞争/生死大战

    39.help out around the house

    40.give a damn about : care about

    41. I was set up.被陷害

    42.There was a rumor going around that something got buried, pitted.

    43.play the breadwinner

    *breadwinner: a person who supports their family with the money they


    44.The lawyers think the appellate court is going to hear my case.

    *appellate court:上诉法院

    *hear a case:审理案件

    45.Arguments are cheap.争论毫无意义

    46.drop by 顺路拜访

    47.defeat the purpose 适得其反

    48.walking a very narrow ethical line.铤而走险,挑战道德底线

    49.reprimand: the act of telling somebody officially that you do not approve of them or their actions


    51.It must get old.

    52.beats me 我不知道

    53.You didn't willfully mislead the police.

    *willfully 有意

    54.Don't make yourself collateral damage here, for your own sake.

    *collateral damage 附带损害

    55.prenuptial agreement 婚前协议

    56.If the deceased were to divorce you, you would be cut off from his premarital

    savings, is that correct?

    *deceased 死者

    *cut off from 无权获得他的...



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