
作者: 水滴石穿2017 | 来源:发表于2017-07-13 21:33 被阅读0次

    It is difficult to remember a time when we lived without mobile phones,SMS text messaging, and email.

    In those far off days of landlines and snail mail, who could possibly have predicted that these technologies would become such an integral part of our daily lives.

    Text messaging especially was never predicted to take off in the way it has, becoming the norm in instant communication for everyone from primary school children to executives.

    In the same way, as a new generation of protable devices is emerging, the implications for how and where we work and play are still taking shape.

    Mobile devices will probably never entirely replace the wired systems that define our workplaces, but they offer a range of new working possibilities, allowing people the freedom to work in ways better suited to their needs.



