Who you are?

Who you are?

作者: 兰草香舍2018 | 来源:发表于2018-03-23 11:05 被阅读0次





所以,文森特·鲁吉罗在Beyond feelings给我们四条指导性原则,希望帮助我们形成自己的个体。

  1. 察觉自己对人或事物的第一直觉反应。但不就此下定论。
  2. 探寻自己为什么会有这个反应。回想这种反应是来自于家人、朋友或是某个名人吗?自己有没有过类似的经历。
  3. 考虑其他还可能的反应有哪些?
  4. 想想是不是有比第一直觉反应更适合的呢?在思考这点时,尽量排除可能造成影响或限制你开放性思考的因素。


Who you are?

It'a question in Chapter 1 of Beyond feelings. Suppose someone ask you this question, what's your answer for it?
Name? And more information in detail? Such as your height and age and weight?
In addition, your sentiments and preference sand attitudes couldn't be overlook.
So, the answer for "Who you are?" is really a complex one.

How did you get the way you are?

Then, let's dig out more. How did you get the way you are?
"I'm the way because I choose to be, because I've considered other sentiments and preferences and attitudes and made my selection. The ones I chose fit my style and personality best."
That answer is a natural enough one, and in part it's true. But in a larger sense it's not true.

Influences on Identity

People's daily thoughts and actions vary from the different circumstance we are in. Family, country, belief, value, political affiliation, economic level, attitudes towards one another, all have made some contribution to our identity.

Different from the dominant influence of family and teachers in centuries, mass culture (but broadcast media, newspapers, magazines and popular music) is often greater.

What effects does mass culture have on young people and adults? Modern advertising typically bombards the public to appeal to emotions and create artificial needs for products and services. As a result, many people develop the habit of responding emotionally, impulsively, and gullibly to such appeals.

In fact, mass culture today has made people impatient with the normal rhythms of life because it seems so boring.

effects on self-image

The circumstance of our lives are so influential that they effect not only our view of the world but also our view of ourselves. Our experiences can work a kind of self-hypnotism on us, suggesting a conclusion about ourselves and then urging us to make it come true.

Becoming an individual

"Doing your own thing" seems a natural life situation, but this notion ignores all the shaping forces and it denies the fact that each of us has been channeled and conditioned to a great degree.

So, here are four guidelines helping us achieve individuality:
1.Tree your first reaction to any person, issue, or situation as tentative. No matter how appealing it may be, refuse to embrace it until after you have examined it.
2.Decide why you reacted as you did. Consider whether you borrowed the reaction from someone else – a parent or friend, perhaps, or a celebrity or fictional character on television. If possible, determine what specific experiences conditioned you to react this way.
3.Think of other reactions your might have had to the person, issue, or situation.
4.Ask yourself whether one of the other reactions is more appropriate than your first reaction. And when you answer, resist the influence of your conditioning.



      本文标题:Who you are?
