作者: Lobster | 来源:发表于2016-03-31 21:25 被阅读0次

"There is nothing that prevent me from being a better girl." Resently I desire to do well about study and figure. At the same time,I attempt to do something I have never done before.

Three years ago,I entered an university. Everything was amazing for me. But as the time goes,i am a junior student now and face the problem of passing the graduate school exam.Because i have an apprehension about the future. Before now,i spent amounts of time in entertainment such as watching American soap operas,and reading  novels at night. Looking back now(In retrospect),I feel sorry and regret to waste my own time on those things.

Therefore,I decide to study hard and arrange my time appropriately. Sometimes,I can not control myself. As the saying goes,"Just a loser who can not control himself." I agree with it. There is nothing i can achieve if i usually break the rules i have forbricated. The article is writen for me and is used for hearten myself. There is only several months for me to prepare the exam.

In a word,i have to exert all my energies to be the  better part of me.


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