

作者: chitay | 来源:发表于2023-01-19 01:48 被阅读0次

When I think of men one hundred years ago in China can express English in their mind to effect people,  I feel like what a giant distance I have to catch up, it seems that I should be the man who lived in one hundred years ago.Just like singing, dancing or sympathy I think, the language ability is also a  gene in our bodies that we  could motivate and evolve ourselves.

These days, for the several times, the feeling comes to me that maybe I can also use English to express my own feelings through some efforts. I might find some way to make a progress, just like exercise and failing closer to the right direction and moving on.

First step is, do not afraid to make any mistakes, If you even not dare to fail, you won’t get any chance to get closer to your destination. The primal stage is just like children begin to pick up a mother language.The most important thing is expressing and practice, do not care whether the sentences you speak out are in proper ways or not, just relying on the few words that firstly come up to your mind, and using them quickly for sending out your opinions. We can not ask ourselves for too much in this stage.

And luckily most languages have a big fault tolerance, sometimes even though we have made so many mistakes, however, people can understand what we mean and communicate with us.

So, there is no excuse to put all your attention on the mistakes you may make, but just focus on the progress you will get after you make a fault and get it right.

Now we dare to apply the language in our daily lives, and the second step is to record it, because we want get a feedback from ourself but not just relying on others. Actually we can not communicate with others all the time but we can talk to ourselves in anytime we like. When you talk, record it, and after a while, when you have time, you can turn on your mac or phone to become a better language user and analyze the fault you might made in the record. Meanwhile, record takes so much time so that I strongly suggest that we should find some APP or software to help us do the record.

And third step is checking your record, finding mistakes, updating words or sentences, later you will get a proper dialogue. During this process, progress happens.

Keep doing record and modifying it, may our language evolve quickly. Time by time, we use the simple word too much, we may get upset, we need some word more convenient to express, we can not bare use one same simple word all the time, now we have the driving force to learn some superior words. it saves time, and makes your sentences more beautiful more infectious, and this is the reward you deserved.


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