Today is Monday , December 23rd 今天是12月23日,星期一
Look dow , adn you see dust 低头见尘埃
Look up , and you see blossoms 抬头见花开
The beauty of life 生活的美好
Lies in your mindset 都是取决于你自己的心态
With a positive attitude 心态好
Everything falls into place 一切都好
Today is Monday , December 23rd 今天是12月23日,星期一
Look dow , adn you see dust 低头见尘埃
Look up , and you see blossoms 抬头见花开
The beauty of life 生活的美好
Lies in your mindset 都是取决于你自己的心态
With a positive attitude 心态好
Everything falls into place 一切都好