Fixed mind

Fixed mind

作者: 小小皮匠 | 来源:发表于2024-05-07 23:10 被阅读0次

There are two different mind patterns, I thought that I was the person who has developing mind pattern after I recognized this conception.

However, my husband mentioned that l has a little  fixed mind pattern when he saw that I gave up doing exercise when stuck with trouble. I know he was polite and prudent while he need point out my problem to avoid me breaking out negative emotions.

After hearing what he said, I realized that that is not a little, I always was in the mind of fixed especially when I went about practicing and then show to others. When the result is not good as I expect, I will step back and won’t touch it. It seems cut down my confidence to continue then I will find other things to dig, in the road, I will face the same conditions.


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