英英释义:to show that something is true or that someone is telling the truth
可以用 bear out 替换 support/confirm/substantiate/corroborate 等词,是在写作和口语中都用得到的表达。
1, 言之凿凿
His claims were borne out by the facts/data/evidence.
2. 当我们想表达所预测、担忧的事情最终还是发生了,也可以用到 bear out。比如华为老总任正非在接受访谈时说早在 8 年前他就料到了今天:
Ren Zhengfei’s predication that Huawei would be banned by the U.S. has been borne out.
3. The belief that people increasingly flit from job to job is also not borne out by fact.
4. Money might be thought to be at the root of the problem, but the facts do not bear out this view.
5. Voters' frustration is borne out at the polls: turnout for presidential elections has fallen at every vote since 2004.
6. His analysis implied that those in wealthy families would divorce at lower rates, a prediction borne out by data.
His innocence was borne out by the camera.
参考翻译:The surveillance camera bore out his innocence.