I have a bad habit when the alarm clock went off ,I just hit the snooze buttoll and still stayed in bed .let me felt so sad was the
situation lasted for a winter ,you know the Beijing's weather pretty cold .
Before I thought the bed was tomb of dream ,because of the you can't do anything in the bed.But today I want to do differnt things.
I 've been practice my listening for many hours.Most people knows about 《Family Albulm USA》《Elephant Man 》,I listened it again and again.
I love to read book while listening to sofit music .When I read some sentences I felt a fresh energy came out still all day .I love this sentence:
1.keep to read a lot of books ( You have to reading more books ,building a own knowledge architecture for future ,improve your own Values and be prepared writing material )
2.keep to a high quality writing (practice your logic ,building you own brands ,high quality articles will be let more people saw you and through a article show yourself was a interesting thing)
3.start a right investment (if you want to getting financial freedom early ,how to making more money is a big things .obviously , for the most people choice a investment product is a smart ways)
As a person of education industry ,I think I have to give my student a whole system about how to study English and solve the students' various problems.
For the most people ,learning reading ,writing,make a speen ,English ,investment will be 100%have to do things .
All in all ,if you have free time ,you should do important things for future and to be a better person .

When I walked to work ,I trying to record my voice use a FM video .I can walking while I can say somethings to myself or prepared many centences .When you are creating a language environment ,you can listening your real voice. It's a wonderful experience about yourself things . Maybe you can try other things :record your singing ,your read a poetry,your imitation show and so on.
Today I start work at 12:30.I had my lunch at 12:00.Early an hour or half hour arrive to company was a good habit.
I have a student who she almost 50 years old ,a local people and love traveling .OMG!Her Albulm have almost 2,000pictures.She 've been many places including China and other country.She is a wisdom ,kind ,full curious woman.Why is she study English ? She told me ,she felt sad when she went abroad traveling that she riding a elephant for four people on ,she want to stopping and watching a good view but she can't say any words .Most important thing was she asked a young person ,he is also don't know how to comminicate with local people ,they were so embarrassed.When they are finish this terrible trip ,her daughter find a training company of Education First ,do one-off payment 2 years .She tells me she find many partners and she feels happyer than stay in home .
I 'm trying to do a new things for ask a student inviting they are friends join in a party and I will give them a gift .First ,I feel nervous I wondering if my student say no ,how can I face it . Actually ,I just think about more .
When I meet my student had class at center ,believe me I 'm very proud of yours .I will improve myself and better help your. In the evening ,I watched a program show 《The Marvelous Mrs Maiscl》
It's a perfect day .