I can't manage time, only have to manage myself.
In my experience it's very hard to just make a schedule and keep it. Besides, I'll be very upset for not finishing the Daily task. I think it's true for most of the people.
Every night when I opened and checked the list, I mean the damn schedule in the damn Excel. Oh, that is it. In front of that, I was just like a poor soldier with many pieces of shrapnel in his body.
And the only reason that I am alive is that I was a very strong soldier even the shrapnel was not enough for me.
All right. Maybe I overreacted to this.
Time is not the devil, neither is a schedule.
It's all because of the one, me. Here is how I see all this stuff.
I overreacted to the thing above, and the ability to complete the list too. I mean everyday, the day went on, I really couldn't keep the same good state. And the result did seem worse.
I'm a normal person, who can be tired, fearful, and tolerant to myself.
However, I did insist on doing the schedule for more than two hundred days. Even though it was like injuring myself.
Well, that is gone. I mean I changed the way I use my time. Remember the first thing in the front, I can't manage time, only have to manage myself. This is true indeed.
Time is always here. But people are different. We are always serious to make a decision, but at last we've probably got just enough stength to kill ourselves.
In fact, there is a book called Take time as your friend(《把时间当做朋友》) which is written by the teacher Li xiaolai. He summed up his own experience in three parts. I also use his method.
First, don't try to be perfect. Most of the time, we are not. We are so scared of messing up that we can not even start.
Second, there's no shortcut to achieve success. Or rather, the method to get there is not important, at least less than trying hard.
We can just start immediately and repeat again. This is the only method. What makes us relax is we don't need to worry about the disgusting schedule, cause there's no schedule.
The premise is that we don't really care about the shortcut or the best method.
Third, and the most important thing that I really believe, is everything we have ever done is not for gaining anything. It must not be utilitarian.
If we did many things for a long time, but there's not any rewards. I want to tell you it is very natural. It's fair for everyone of us, that no matter how many things we have done, we can only feel it, not control it. We are not still a gainer, because what we did is not enough. If not, it's not yet the right time.
Sometimes to be a loser or a winner is just for a moment. But this guy I mean we must have directed our effort to whatever is good for us for a long time.
Yes, this is true indeed, again.
So, is that the truth what we can be friend of time. Maybe it is.
These three parts are all about mind. If we can understand them, what should we do exactly.
Everyday from I end up living by schedule, I just list the items that I have done and write down how far they are. And before doing this, I've classified all the items into certain types(Maybe it'll be changed every few days or weeks). So, no more to do list with its correct time.
For example, I divided the items into three parts, they are "mind and body", "input"and"output". And they can include everything I consider a necessary or valuable thing. In the the part of "input", they are items such as "reading", "English study", "movie", and any other knowledge I'm interested in.
If I have done one thing such as "reading 'Fever Pitch' 2 hours" or "watch 'Everybody Loves Raymond Season 7' E01", I just wrote it down right like that. Then I signed the items with different color, means the degree that the item went to.

In the book "Take time as your friend", it 's called "keep accounts for time"(为时间记账) —— I totally agree.
That means we should feed time. Not to control it but just to feed it, and feed it well, means we can't let time get away with nothing in every moment —— it's not friendly, right?
And set the target in different period. Then some day time will lead us to it as long as we keep on this "accounts" hard.
Now I've kept doing this for 9 months. And I even add, I don't feel that I want to give up for just a moment. Ok, maybe sometimes I was disappointed in the bad degree of some itmes. But it's not important.
So in a word, be nice with your time, or that'll be no kind of life.
Nov.1, 2016 in chengdu