How language are learned (2)

How language are learned (2)

作者: 一个不知名的英语老师 | 来源:发表于2020-01-12 19:12 被阅读0次

    Chapter 2 Sencond language learning



        第二章主要讲述了二语学习的条件,比如在学习二语时,年轻的学习者和年老的学习者使用二语的时间不同,并对Constrastive analysis, erro analysis, and interlanguage进行了区分。

    Constactive analysis hypothesis(CAH):erros were assumed to be the result of transfer from learners' first language.错误是学习者第一语言转移的结果。

    Eg: 英语:The dog eats the cookie.

          学习英语的法国人: The dog it eats.

    对比分析:1. 我们可以对学习者的母语和目标与进行对比

                    2. 根据对比分析中的差异,我们可以预测会引起困难的语言项目和可能犯的错误

    Erro analysis: 与CAH不同,它没有预测错误,它认为second language learner language is a system in its own right—one that is rule-governed and predictable.


    error:1. a grammatical misuse

                  2. arise from the learners' lac of knowledge;the learner does't know the right form or is unable to use language correctly

                  3. unintentionally deviant from the target language and not self-corrigible by the learner(failure in competence)


    Mistake:  1. pramatic misuse

                    2. often occur when learners fail to perform their competence;the learner has already learned the knowlede or skill but simply fails to function correctly because of lack of attention, slip pf the tongue or other factors.

                      3. either intentionally or unintentionally deviant forms and self-corrigible (failure in performance)

                      4. even the native speakers cannot avoid it sometimes, they can correct it by themselves.


    Inerlanguage:  A learner's interlanguage has some characteristics influenced by previously learned language , some characteristcis of the second language.

    对于错误的分析,我想起了平时学生经常犯的错误,比如中文:我和你去购物。I with you go shopping.



      第四章主要解释了二语习得,从Bhaviourist perspective, the innatist perspective, the connitive perpective等解释了二语习得过程,还有Krashen的lMonitor Model,


    1. 区分了acqusition和learning,

    Acquisition: refers to the subconcious process used by children developing their fist language

    Learning: a conscious process, which results in a separate system of simple grammar rules, or knowledge.

    2. Monitor model: second language users draws on what they have acquired when they engage in spontaneous communication.

    The acquired system acts to initiate the second language leraner's utterance and is responsible for fluency and intuitive judgement about the correctness.

    The learned system acts as an editor or "monitor", making minor changes and polishing what the required system has produced. It may happen before actually speak or write,or it may happen later.

    监控策略,也就是说我们在讲英语的时候,会监控自己的语法是否用对,eg: I went to Beijing last year. 学生会注意went是否正确。

    3. Natural order: second language acquisition unfolds in predictable sequences.语言习得是有顺序的

    4. Comprehensible input:Acuquisition occurs when one is exposed to language that is comprehensible and contains i+1. "i+1"is a metaphor for language that is just a step beyond that level

    5. Affective filter: 情感过滤假说 some people who are exposed to large quantities of comprehensible input do not necessarily acquire language successfullly. The "afective filter" is a metaphorical barrier that prevents learners from acuquiring language even when appropriate input Is available.  影响输入的因素有动力,自信和焦虑等。

    此外,二语的应用包括interacting, noticing, processing和practing几个步骤。


        在第五章Observing learning and teaching in the second language classroom, 作者对natural  acquisition 和structure-based instructional settings进行区分,这也解释了为什么一个平时在韩剧的人可能比一个语言学家学韩语的速度更要快,书中列举了很多例子,也包括平常我们学习语言时容易犯的各种错误,以及教师对错误不同的纠正方式对学生带来了不同的影响,比如explicit, recasts, metalinguistic等。

        第六章讲述了关于课堂教学的一些建议,如get it right from the beginning, just listen and read, let's talk, get two for one, teach what is teachable, get right in the end

        最后一章是对一些观点的看法,如:language are learned mainly through imitation

        总的来说,这本书浅显易懂地介绍了关于How language are learned的知识,很多都是经典的理论,后面关于课堂教学的建议也很实用,平常课堂上遇到的一些教学问题在里面也能找到理论的支撑,理论与实际相结合,才能让我的教学之路越走越远。



        本文标题:How language are learned (2)
