

作者: 那棵老橡樹 | 来源:发表于2021-02-27 08:08 被阅读0次


    “Hello, 你叫什么名字?” Tim微笑着问道。


    “你多大了?” Tim 接着又问了一句。“ 快5岁了!” Eric抬头朝着Tim、伸着张开五指的手礼貌地回答。紧接着,这小男孩又好奇地反问了一句,“你多大了”?

    Tim稍微愣了一下,心想很少有孩子这样来反问大人的。“哦,我55岁了。” Tim显得有点不好意思。

    Eric低头看了看自己的双手,觉得55可能是个很大的数。便转过头来,带着一双充满疑惑的眼神望着妈妈,说:“人可以有55岁吗?” 妈妈笑眯眯地点了点头。

    Eric又转过头来看着Tim,“那你一定是很老了!” 这弄得Tim有点尴尬。

    接着,小男孩举起张开十指的双手,对Tim说,“我也有一个朋友, 他很老、很老、很老了,他都快十岁了”!


    English edition:

    I also have a very old friend
    By That Old Oak

    At a family party, Tim met his former female colleague whom he had not seen for a long time. After their greetings Tim saw a cute little boy standing beside his colleague. He bent down to say hello to the little boy.

    “Hi what is your name?” Tim asked, the smile warmed from his eyes.

    The little boy stared at Tim with a pair of big clear eyes, “My name is Eric!” he answered, aloud.

    “How old are you?” Tim continued.

    Eric said, “I am 5 years old!” and pushed up his opened hand with five fingers.

    And then, “How old are you?” Eric curiously asked Tim back.

    Tim was a bit shocked by the little boy’s question which a very few kids would ask adults for.

    “Yeah..., I am 55 years old.” Tim seemed a little bit embarrassed to answer.

    Eric looked down at his hands, and thought 55 may be a Big number which probably beyonds the numbers he knew. He turned around and looked at his mom with uncertainty, and said to her, ”Can anyone live to be 55 years old?” His mom nodded and smiled at the little boy.

    Eric turned back to Tim, looked at his face, and confirmly said “You must be very old!” Tim felt a little bit awkward for such a moment.

    At this time, the cute little boy raised his two hands and popped up ten fingers again toward Tim, and told Tim: ”I also have a friend. He is very, very, very old, and he is almost Ten”!

    The cute little boy seemed to make Tim feel better.



