Opening Doors within 敞開內心之門 Janu

Opening Doors within 敞開內心之門 Janu

作者: 宝姥姥_生命小彩坊 | 来源:发表于2019-01-09 20:08 被阅读0次

【作者】:Eileen Caddy



What are you holding in your consciousness? I want only the very best, the very highest for you. If you choose of your own free will anything less and draw it towards you and are satisfied with second best, there is nothing I can do about it. Never be afraid to expect the best. Never feel you are unworthy or are not justified in having the best. I tell you it is your true heritage, but you have to claim it; you have to accept it and expect it. It is yours, My gift to you. Are you going to accept it with a full and grateful heart, or reject it? Let not false humility prevent you from accepting what is yours by rights; and do not just accept it, but glory in it, and give eternal thanks for it. Treasure it, and watch the wonder of it unfold in your life, knowing without a shadow of doubt that all I have is yours.





      本文标题:Opening Doors within 敞開內心之門 Janu
