2018-11-06 shift (n.)

2018-11-06 shift (n.)

作者: bobby100305 | 来源:发表于2018-11-06 17:42 被阅读0次


    英英释义:a change in something, for example in someone's ideas or opinions. 

    例句:There has been marked shift in attitudes towards how to ask questions in the Phenomenal English community. 

    把动词“ shift” 改成名词:

    Recent years have seen a shift in attitudes to homosexuality. 

    注意这个句子中“shift”后面搭配的介词是“ in”。 除了“ a shift in attitude“ 外,常用的搭配还有:

    a shift in public opinion / perspective ;

    a shift in emphasis / mood / tone

    a shift in direction / focus / policy / strategy ;


    With the gloomy economy comes a shift in personal financial focus : people are more careful about spending and tend to spend primarily on truly necessary items. (这句话中使用了倒装句式,把 comes 提前了,正常语序应该是: A shift comes in personal financial focus with the gloomy economy.)

    《经济学人》一篇关于谷歌商业模式的文章中,有几句话正好同时用到了“ shift”作名词和动词的用法:

    Alphabet has confronted worrisome transitions before, such as the shift from desktop PCs to mobile. Its ad business is still booming, because it devised a way to deliver ads on small screens. It is possible that Google's ad model could in future shift to taking a fee for each transaction it facilitates. 

    这句话的意思是“ Alphabet 已经经历过一些令人担忧的过渡,比如从个人台式电脑到移动设备的转变。 它的广告业务还很繁荣,因为它设计了一种方法,可以将广告投放到很小的屏幕上,在未来谷歌的广告模式很可能转向对自己促成的每一笔交易都收费。

    - 使用《牛津英语搭配词典》查shift,了解作名词的常用搭配

    1. Adj ~ : distinct , dramatic, fundamental, major, marked, profound, radical, significant, substantial + shift 明显的/戏剧性的/根本的/重大的/深远的/彻底的转变; slight, subtle, gradual, abrupt, sudden, decisive, irreversible shift 细微的/微妙的/逐渐的/突然的/决定性的/不可逆转的变化;

    2. Verb ~: be,represent 构成变化/ 表明变化: These proposals represent a dramatic shift in policy. 这些提议表明了政策的重大变化。bring about, cause, lead to, produce, result in 带来转变/导致变化/产生变化; mark, see shift 标志变化/历经变化: The moment marked a significant shift in attitudes to the war. 这一时刻标志着对战争的态度有了重大转变。detect shift 察觉变化: I detected a subtle shift towards our point of view. 我察觉到了一丝倾向于我们观点的细微变化。

    3. ~ Prep:shift between .....之间的变化; shift (away) from....背离。。的变化; in shift 。。的变化 a shift in public opinion 民意的变化;shift to 向。。的变化 the sudden shift to the right in British politics. 英国政治的突然右倾;shift towards 朝。。的变化 a shift towards part-time farming. 向兼营农业的转变。


    1. 翻译


    China is experiencing a shift from a labor-intensive economy to a knowledge-intensive economy. 

    Chinese economy is undergoing a shift from brawn to brain. 

    2. 造句


    ~造句:The sales target marked a significant shift in marketing campaign to the market segment



          本文标题:2018-11-06 shift (n.)
