git pull --rebase origin master git push -u origin master
原因:远程和本地仓库冲突 解决办法: 原文链接:
原因:本地仓库缺少README.md文件,远程仓库中有 解决办法:
git在push时,报错“hint: Updates were rejected because the tag ...
git上传代码[Updates were rejected because the tip of your cur...
git提交时报错:Updates were rejected because the tip of your cu...
git push origin xxx 出现以下错误:hint: Updates were rejected be...
问题 提交代码的时候发生冲突.git push hint: Updates were rejected becau...
1、Updates were rejected because the remote contains work ...
hint: Updates were rejected because the tip of your curre...
问题: Updates were rejected because the tip of your current...
本文标题:git报Updates were rejected becaus