2020-02-29 梵高写给弟弟的信

2020-02-29 梵高写给弟弟的信

作者: 知小鱼之鱼小知 | 来源:发表于2020-03-01 00:19 被阅读0次



I have a more or less irresistible passionfor books, and I have a need continually to educate myself, to study, if youlike, precisely as I need to eat my bread. When I was in differentsurroundings, in surroundings of paintings and works of art, you well know thatI then took a violent passion for those surroundings that went as far asenthusiasm. And I don’t repent it. And now far from country again. I often feelhomesick for the country of paintings. Now I no longer have those surroundings,however, that something that’s called soul, they claim that it never dies andthen it lives for ever, and seeks for ever and for ever and for evermore. It’strue that I’ve lost several people’s trust; it’s true that my financial affairsare in a sorry state; it’s true that the future’s not a little dark; it’s truethat I could have done better; it’s true that just in terms of earning myliving I’ve lost time…And that I lack more, infinitely more than I have. But isthat called going downhill, and is that called doing nothing? But on the road thatI’m on I must continue…one of the reasons why I’m now without position, why I’vebeen without a position for years, it’s quite simply, because I have differentideas from these gentlemen who give positions to individuals who think likethem. It’s not a simple matter of appearance, as people have hypocriticallyheld it against me, it’s something more serious than that, I assure you. Someonehas a great fire in his soul and nobody ever comes to warm themselves at it,and passers-by see nothing but a little smoke at the top of the chimney andthen go on their way. So now what do we to do? Keep this fire alive inside, have salt in ourselves, wait patiently. But with how much impatience, await the hour? I say, when whoever wants to, will come and sit down there, will staythere. For all I know? May whoever believes in god await the hour, which willcome sooner or later.

《loving Vincent》


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      本文标题:2020-02-29 梵高写给弟弟的信
