选择前需要思考"The big picture',之后再决定.
选择前需要思考"The big picture',之后再决定. 事情+人都要注意.
make a mistake 犯错 make a decision 做了选择 stick to sth 坚持 Le...
It's so difficult for me to make a decision. 当我们要面对选择,需要做...
decision quicksand, what is decision quicksand? Have you ...
Roadmap Decision Tree Hypothesis Decision Tree Algorithm ...
Nonelinear Model Decision Tree decision tree is a supervi...
I do not know if i have done a wrong choice: give up AR p...
Although I have passed the exam, efforts still need to be...
这是很早之前就做的一个决定。 我想在这浪漫至极的茫茫人世间,写下我理解的,我钦佩的,我羡慕的,五百二十种浪漫,五百...
本文标题:5. 选择Decision