tawdry TEM8 GRE
UK /ˈtɔː.dri/ US /ˈtɑː.dri/
1. adj, If you describe something such as clothes or decorations as tawdry, you mean that they are cheap and show a lack of taste. 廉价的,俗气的
2. adj, If you describe something such as a story or an event as tawdry, you mean that it is unpleasant or immoral. (故事、事件)令人讨厌的,卑鄙的,不道德的
1. The stories were tawdry, and the news coverage sometimes veered toward clickbait, but there were important questions hiding beneath the sheets.(New York Times)
2. In 2005, Mr. Hefner’s reality show, “The Girls Next Door,” became a tawdry hit and introduced a new generation to the property.(New York Times)
3. Now, the bigger question: Has our culture reached its limit with the invasive and the tawdry?(New York Times)
4. But despite a personal image as being free of graft, he’s since become mired in his own party’s tawdry legacy when making key appointments.(Forbes)
5. But, like a tawdry trial on cable television, I can't stop watching – or tweeting about it.(The Guardian)
6. "Press regulation is too important an issue to be answered by some tawdry deal cooked up at two in the morning in Ed Miliband's office," he told BBC Radio 4's PM programme on Tuesday.(The Guardian)
7. The building isn't as tawdry and hard to access as some I've seen, but the message is pretty clear the minute you enter.(The Guardian)
8. “The woman who sat opposite Martin Bashir displayed a dignity, composure, and heartbreaking earnestness that bore no resemblance to the tawdry creature created in the media,” Brown wrote.(Seattle Times)
9. “But our responsibility and our challenge was to deal with it in a way that we thought wasn’t going to be tawdry but responsible.”(Washington Times)
10. “These kind of attacks are made because they fit people’s preconceptions about government inefficiency and corruption,” said Kollman, who nonetheless believes Trump’s actions look increasingly “sad and tawdry” to many voters.(Washington Post)
11. This time, it is the disclosure that the team’s broadcast department secretly produced tawdry videos of outtakes of a cheerleader photo shoot, allegedly for the enjoyment of Mr. Snyder and other male executives.(Washington Post)
12. The tawdry details of the scandal involving Mr. Granda ensured that the news spread quickly on the campus of 15,000 residential students.(New York Times)
tawdry clothes, decorations, details, stories, events
"no longer fresh or elegant but worn as if it were so; in cheap and ostentatious imitation of what is rich or costly," 1670s, adjective use of noun tawdry "silk necktie for women" (1610s), shortened from tawdry lace (1540s), an alteration (with adhesion of the -t- from Saint) of St. Audrey's lace, a necktie or ribbon sold at the annual fair at Ely on Oct. 17 commemorating St. Audrey (queen of Northumbria, died 679). Related: Tawdriness.
graceless, inelegant, flashy, garish, gaudy, glitzy, kitsch, kitschy, meretricious, ostentatious, showy, splashy, swank (or swanky), lurid, tacky, tasteless, tinselly, vulgar
elegant, handsome,handcrafted, polished, refined, excellent, fine, first-class, first-rate, good, high-grade, top-notch
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