Chapter 2-11

Chapter 2-11

作者: 天天__ | 来源:发表于2021-05-14 08:20 被阅读0次

    Chapter 2-11

    He had just compunction enough for having done nothing for his sisters himself to be exceedingly anxious that everybody else should do a great deal; and an offer from Colonel Brandon, or a legacy from Mrs. Jennings, was the easiest means of stoning for his own neglect.

    Chapter 2-12

    Mrs. Ferrars was a little, thin woman, upright, even to formality, in her figure, ad serious, even to sourness, in her aspect. Her complexion was sallow; and she features small, without beauty, and naturally without expression; but a lucky contraction of the brow had rescued her countenance from the disgrace of insipidity by giving it the strong characters of pride and ill nature.

    This is admiration of a very particular kind!



          本文标题:Chapter 2-11
