2023-07-12-8 To younger me?

2023-07-12-8 To younger me?

作者: 木金木水火土的木 | 来源:发表于2023-07-11 09:47 被阅读0次

    1-Try hard at school

    why would u say that?

    cause you won't end up on street selling T-shirts

    2-Be braver, be bolder. take more chances, when you get older, you realize that in your youth you care about what people think of the way you dress, the way of your hair. You're concerned about. You get lack confidence, cause you not like everybody else. When you get older, you don't care.

    3-Not to take life so seriously, not to overthink things, and just have fun. Because life can be very very short

    4-Be a bit more adventurous. Have a go at things. Don't worry about anything, just have a go at things. Probably at my age, I realized over my life, I've probably not done things. Because of too worried about what might happen and what not. But really. You know, just go for it. 

    5-Stop being so angry. I was very insecure when I was a teenager. And I thought the world owned me a favor. I thought that kicking off and getting angry, Making people afraid of me was the way forward. But I only just pushed everyone away. And nothing really materialized for me, until I realized that being angry is in the way. And now I'm just more chill and going down stream. So things are just like happy. So I'm a lot happier.  My skin cleard up. I used to have really bad skin. Yeah, everything just way better. Sounds cliche but

    6-Have more confidence. And it's because I didn't. That I didn't risk things and that's what you've got to do in life. You just risk everything. You know there's no point living a life if you don't try things. And otherwise, you're just the kind of scared person.

    7-Take risks.I wish that I take in the risk when I was younger. I think if you don't take risks, you will never create an opportunity for yourself. And that's what it's all about, isn't it? Creat your opportunity. Bit of risk throwing into the part. And if it works, it works brilliant. If it doesn't, like I said. Do somthing different or move on try something new, whatever.

    8-What does it feel like to be 67?

    Fantastic, cause I'm still standing.

    DOing the best you can and being kind as you can. And then when you know and love yourself. You can actually give a little bit more to other people.

    9-Don't be scared. Make hard decisions.

    10-Don't worry yourself about the thing that might never happen. What makes you say that? Because I spent my whole life doing it.

    11-Spread my feathers and let my beauty shine. 展开羽毛,让美丽闪耀。 



          本文标题:2023-07-12-8 To younger me?
