「日更挑战」Day 26

「日更挑战」Day 26

作者: 鹿非 | 来源:发表于2019-02-06 19:06 被阅读0次

Stoner人生中的高光时刻 - 爱情线 - Chapter XII - Part One

When Katherine Driscoll opened the door for him William Stoner almost did not recognize her; she had swept her hair up and caught it carelessly high in the back, so that her small pink-white ears were bare; she wore dark-rimmed glasses, behind which her dark eyes were wide and startled; she had on a mannish shirt, open at the neck; and she was wearing dark slacks that made her appear slimmer and more graceful than he remembered her.


初读时没留意,现在回过头再看,可得板起脸假装学术气地说一句:啊!好大一个暗示!草灰蛇线,伏脉千里哪!Stoner当年一见钟情的女子,在他眼前展现出的最直接的特点是什么?Slim & graceful!嗯,审美专一,又对一个瘦瘦美美体态优雅的女子动了心。



He smiled and shook his head. “You didn’t need the seminar. But I am glad you were able to sit in on it. It was a good one, I think.”

“Oh, it’s shameful!” she burst out. “It’s shameful. The seminar—you were—I had to start it over, after the seminar. It’s shameful that they should—” She paused in bitter, furious confusion, got up from the couch, and walked restlessly to the desk.

Stoner, taken aback by her outburst, for a moment did not speak. Then he said, “You shouldn’t concern yourself. These things happen. It will all work out in time. It really isn’t important.”

And suddenly, after he said the words, it was not important. For an instant he felt the truth of what he said, and for the first time in months he felt lift away from him the weight of a despair whose heaviness he had not fully realized. Nearly giddy, almost laughing, he said again, “It really isn’t important.”




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