Today something has happened made me very impressed. Summer holiday is just coming over, but my little sister’s homework has not been finished. My aunt is a housewife; her job is to take care of my uncle and their daughter. Many people say that she has so good fate and her husband is ability. She needn’t to earn a living .but I totally know how worried she is .the knowledge level of my aunt teaching her daughter is not enough. Besides Yan is their first child. Both of them haven’t experience about how to foster good habits for a young child. From others perspective this is a harmony family full of happiness. There are so many times this couple fight for their daughter’s study . at this moment I want to talk about the passive effect of the iphone bringing.

After whole day work my uncle is very tired so that he doesn’t want to do anything except relaxing. So there are issues. They think another one don’t do duty well. Yesterday another thing happened. Someone visited my little cousin to have a dance show .firstly I didn’t agreed with that .as you all know we can divide something into important and a student my cousin hasn’t finished his work. So dance as his interest shouldn’t be put first, even if stage show can make her more and more brave and powerful.
Because someone invited so many times .my aunt think it is so embarrassed to refuse her. So she made a horrible decision I have never seen before .even she ask me to do their favour, which is to help my cousin to finish her homework. To be honest I hate this behavior. My part-time job is to be a teacher. If one of my students do something like that I will never want to teach her something. You know this is china education ,this is china family. It like a huge black hole containing so many some way the first place we should have a revolution is school.teachers always let parents to do many work like correcting homework. Almost every child has their own private teacher. What about poor family. If a student hasn’t wealth to employ a private child. My parents are farmer, about my study they haven’t money and time to invest. I try my best to do it well. It doesn’t matter my friends and classmates located in a same running line with me. We didn’t suffer too much stress.
It is the best time and that is the worst time. That is all I want to say.
What can we do for our education and our family?