

作者: _sibeta | 来源:发表于2016-06-14 20:56 被阅读0次

** 2016/06/14 **

  • asset n.财产,资产;有价值的东西或人
    My house is an important part of my assets;

  • label n.标签,标记,符号 v.贴标签于...把...称为
    The label tells the detailed information of the clothes.

  • possess v.拥有,占有,(鬼等)缠,附
    She possesses many pairs of shoes.

  • disorder n.混乱;不端行为;动乱; vt。使混乱;使紊乱;
    She can't find the skirt because of the disorder of her room.

  • specialise vi.专门从事,专攻; vt.使专门化
    We specialise in studying the characteristics of different plants.

  • I love action movies,especially when they have guns and explosions.

  • The birds flew far beyond the land's edge.

  • Each shift requires the soldiers to stand straight for 10 hours.

  • The panel held an academic conference.

  • As an outcome, the boxing game ended in a draw.

  • You must combine many different kinds of food to make this dish.

  • All of us need to work harder - particularly our boss.

  • Makeup is very effective at hiding our physical flaws.

  • I successed in making it to the top finally.

  • He made a huge amount of money.

** 2016/06/15 **

  • We should all do our best to keep the environment clean.

  • The water surges over the road.


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