

作者: 生命说明书 | 来源:发表于2016-01-10 00:51 被阅读80次

When we are angry, at the second of anger, there is no identification with it at all. A few seconds later the whole business of identification, I should, I should not control, and all that arises. But in watching without any movement of thought, actually, watching, then in that watching let anger - anger flowers, blooms, expands, and withers away. That is what I want to get at. So that instead of suppressing it, which makes it stronger, by watching it, it expands, the chapter comes to an end, the book comes to an end.


Being good, and becoming good, are two different things. The flowering of goodness is not becoming good. Becoming good is the denial of goodness. Becoming better is a denial of what is; the better corrupts the what is. Being good is now, in the present; becoming good is in the future, which is the invention of the mind that is caught in belief, in a formula of comparison and time. When there is measurement, the good ceases.


The desire to become is the soil in which sorrow takes root.


If I am a liar I can try to stop lying, which is what people generally do. But can I allow that lie to flower and die? Can I refuse to say it is right or wrong, good or bad? Can I see what is behind the lie? I can only find out spontaneously why I lie if there is freedom to find out. In the same way, in order not to be a prisoner of little things, can I find out why I am a prisoner? I want the fact to flower. I want it to grow and to expand, so that it withers and dies without my touching it.


Is there not a difference between a flowering mind and the becoming mind? The becoming mind is a mind that is always growing, becoming, enlarging, gathering experience as knowledge. We know that process full well in our daily life, with all the results, with all its conflicts, its miseries and strife, but we do not know the life of flowering. And is there not a difference between the two which we have to discover – not trying to discriminate, to separate, but to discover – in the process of our daily living? When we discover this, we may perhaps be able to set aside this ambition, the way of choice and discover a flowering, which is the way of life, which may be true action.


The whole movement from watching, listening to the thunder of insight, is one movement; it is not coming to it step by step. It is like a swift arrow. And that insight alone can uncondition the brain, not the effort of thought, which is determination, seeing the necessity for something; none of that will bring about total freedom from conditioning. All this is time and the ending of time. Man is time-bound. So where there is an ending of thought and to time, there is total insight. Only then can there be the flowering of the brain. Only then can you have complete relationship with mind.







