

作者: TreeHole666 | 来源:发表于2019-07-07 11:03 被阅读0次

    这是我参加头马俱乐部(Toasmaster)的第一个备稿演讲。中文在原英文稿的基础上翻译。作为第一次的破冰演讲(ice-break), 内容有点复杂,我也担心会把听众闷到。不过,通过框架和PPT的视觉辅佐,还好,观众说10分钟的演讲只觉得过了7分钟,一个小伙伴说像TED Talk, 另一个伙伴说喜欢我的内容,要找时间跟我探讨。Yeah, yeah, 第一次演讲顺利破冰!问题点:练习时间不够,多了点AHs, Ens….and thanks a lot for Liki &JR ‘s feedbacks.

    The Odyssey in Seeking Myself 


    slide 1: Sore throat

    About two years ago, I had a serious sorethroat and lost my voice. And my son did something which pissed me off. Yet, Iwas not able to shout at him, scream at him. I tried to scold at him but novoice. And my son pretended that he didn’t hear what I was saying. He smiled atme and asked , “ Mummy, what did you say?” That little creature really put meon the fire!


    slide 2: A Dumb , a drop of water

    At that moment, I suddenly recalled astupid idea I had before. The idea was that I wished I were a dumb so I did notneed to speak before others. But now l lost my voice, how terribly it was. Why Ihad such a strange idea?


    Similar to the idea, I had an image in mybrain that when I was in college, I wished to reduce a drop of water, so no one can see me. I was almost on the edge of killing myself,right? Is itstrange? Many young people want to be famous and want to be seen by others. ButI was on the opposite. I was very unique, right? Did anyone here have similarideas like me before?


    Why did I have such strange ideas before? Ifelt uncomfortable with others. I had no confidence in speaking out.


    Why? For a long time, I attributed this toa DNA issue, e.g. I was an introvert person, I was not that nature who couldspeak well. So, I naturally preferred to be quiet.


    slide 3: iceberg mode

    But at last, I understood that it is notDNA issue. The answer to this question lies in this iceberg. Yes, I found thekey here.


    Every belief comes with reasons.It’s mainly from Pastexperience, especially our early childhood experience. All these experience& beliefs store in my subconscious mind.


    Slide 4: ABC

    As you can see from this slid, how the ABC formula worked in my childhood.The A represents Activations may include these factors: Parentswere too busy to pay attention to what I said. A stupid kid not favored byteachers; Had some stutters. Then Beliefsgrew in my mind: I was bad in speaking. I was not good enough. Followed bytheConsequences: Dare not to speak;Give up self-expression; Keep silent.


    So gradually, those experiences & ideasconsolidated in my subconscious and become of part of my beliefs. And the more Itended to be silent, the more abilities I lost in speaking. It made a viciouscycle.


    That belief made me feel good as it was aborn nature something in my understanding. I did not need to feel guilty when Idid not speak well. But as you know, it’s not the truth.


    slide 5: Pendulum slide 6: DNA or Learning

    But since I also have some senses, I knew in our life and work, we had tocommunicate. So I struggled between keeping silence & saying something likea pendulum (钟摆图片). Yet this harmful belief affected me for a long time. Till verylate, in my previous company, I was obliged to take an English speech contestand won a second prize, by giving an impressive product presentation. Myconfidence in speaking was largely increased and thus, my past belief had beenrevised. So, my new experience reshaped my recognitions toward speaking, it’snot a DNA issue, it’s a learning issue, a deliberate practicing.


    Slide 7: Beliefs

    The first time I watched the film “When theMonster call”, I was shocked by a sentence in the film “You should be very careful what you believe in”. This sentence comesto my mind regularly. Yes, it’s pretty true:your belief determines how far you can go.


    So, check your beliefs from time to timewhether it is good for you. Some beliefs may be harmful or limited to you. Forexample, if you think you are too old to learn a new skill, then you really areold, and lose the chance of experiencing something. New.


    Slide 8: NLP Pyrimad

    Thenhow to stop the curse which hinders us from growing better? The answer lies inthis pyramid.This part is a bit hard for me. I try mybest to explain from top to end. Spirituality, identity, values & beliefs,these three levels are the individual beliefs, subconscious part.


    For this part, we need to understandourselves. Looking deep inside our inner voice, talk to ourselves frequently. Wecando meditation, writing reflections, talk to trusted friendsto notice what’s going on in our mind. From the ABCemotional traces, we can find out what we are. For example, today, I was nothappy. Why? I saw Nancy had a new Gucci bag costed 10 thousand RMB, I feltjealous of her and I wanted to buy a new bag costed more than hers. You seeyour jealousy because of low self-esteem. You will feel less controlled by youremotions next time.


    slide 9: Flower Art

    In your meditation or reflection, Checkwhether two egos fight against in your brain. I use this pic to illustrate therelationship of two egos. Oneself has two 2 egos inside. Ego 2 like parent, ego1 like the kid. If ego 2 keep on judging you, criticizing ego1.Once this voice appears, we cannot focus on what we do. Instead, there will be lots of inner struggles. Try to turnego1 to look patiently at ego1, love him, empower him. Then you can focus onwhat you do, and find out the way suits you.


    slide 10: desire

    For the Identity part, it’s kind of yourdesires. I changed a lot since I became a mother, because I want to be a goodparent who can set good example for my son. I encourage him in public speaking,so I come here. I had strong desire to swim with my son, so l overcame the fearof water and learn how to swim by myself last summer.


    slide 11: capablities, behaviors, env.

    For the capabilities, behavior andenvironment part, they are external parts as you can see. Finding anenvironment, a group you enjoy to stay in, I come here because everyone hasmotivation to learn, to grow, I love this. Human are group animal. We do needpeers who share the same value to encourage us to go together. For behaviorpart, as the Club president mentioned many times, learning by doing. Only bydoing, you can changed and learned. I had very deep feelings after severalattendances in TM club here. Stop too much thinking and waiting, just takeaction, then do evaluation, you will be on the way of upgrading yourcapabilities.


    slide 12: Forest Gump Slide 13: Gump Running

    At last, be patient to yourself, be thefriend of time, to bravely embrace change & challenges.

    Just like Forrest Gump said, Life is a boxof chocolate, you never know what’s inside the box.

    The odyssey in seeking myself, it’sactually a journey to create myself.

    Keep running, keep going.







