About Me

作者: 孤独时代的Fernando | 来源:发表于2019-02-19 22:00 被阅读31次

    No happy,a little worry

    I never hide that I am fretted over my prospect.Everyday,I can solely receive are just worry and doubt,both of them are all originated from myself.I take nothing as the matter of course.

    Indeed,my ideal future is splendid and luxury.And I believe I deserve it.But the real life remains tedious,I dont konw whether it made any sense.

    I am candid to say I always remains pessimistic about me,I dont konw why.I want to escape but I cant.

    Yet just like Ycy,the girl I like,who moved me a lot in 2018.I shall persist,like her,no matter how difficult the future will be,no matter what a bad mood I will in.

    Try to comfort yourself,try to despise all the people you confront.



        本文标题:About Me
