讲解:MTH5001、Computer Programming、

讲解:MTH5001、Computer Programming、

作者: 日青天 | 来源:发表于2020-01-12 16:12 被阅读0次

projectMarch 14, 20191 MTH5001: Introduction to Computer Programming 2018/191.1 Final Report Project: Networks1.1.1 Instructions:First, please type your name and student number into the Markdown cell below:Name:Student number:You must write your answers in this Jupyter Notebook, using either Markdown or Pythoncode as appropriate. (You should create new code and/or Markdown cells in the appropriateplaces, so that your answers are clearly visible.)Your code must be well documented. As a rough guide, you should aim to include one line ofcomments for each line of code (but you may include more or fewer comments depending on thesituation). You should also use sensible variable names, so that your code is as clear as possible.If your code works but is unduly difficult to read, then you may lose marks.For this project, you will need to use the Python package NetworkX extensively. However, totest your coding skills, in certain questions you will be restricted to using only specific functions.These restrictions are made clear below (see questions 4 and 8).1.1.2 Submission deadline:You must submit your work via QMPlus (to the Final Report Project assignment in the FinalReport Project section).The submission deadline is 11:55pm on Monday 29 April, 2019. Late submissions will bepenalised according to the School’s guidelines.Your lecturers will respond to project-related emails until 5:00pm on Friday 26 April, 2019,only. You should aim to have your project finished by this time.1.1.3 Marking:The project is worth 70% of your final mark for this module.The total number of marks available for the project is 100.Attempt all parts of all questions.When writing up your project, good writing style is even more important than in writtenexams. According to the advice in the student handbook,1To get full marks in any assessed work (tests or exams) you must normally not onlygive the right answers but also explain your working clearly and give reasons for youranswers by writing legible and grammatically correct English sentences. Mathematicsis about logic and reasoned arguments and the only way to present a reasoned andlogical argument is by writing about it clearly. Your writing may include numbers andother mathematical symbols, but they are not enough on their own. You should copythe writing style used in good mathematical textbooks, such as those recommendedfor your modules. You can expect to lose marks for poor writing (incorrect grammarand spelling) as well as for poor mathematics (incorrect or unclear logic).1.1.4 Plagiarism warning:Your work will be tested for plagiarism, which is an assessment offence, according to the School’spolicy on Plagiarism. In particular, while only academic staff will make a judgement on whetherplagiarism has occurred in a piece of work, we will use the plagiarism detection software Turnitinto help us assess how much of work matches other sources. You will have the opportunityto upload your work, see the Turnitin result, and edit your work accordingly before finalisingyour submission.You may summarise relevant parts of books, online notes, or other resources, as you see fit.However, you must use your own words as far as possible (within reason, e.g. you would not beexpected to change the wording of a well-known theorem), and you must reference any sourcesthat you use. Similarly, if you decide to work with other students on parts of the project, thenyou must write up your work individually. You should also note that most of the questions arepersonalised in the sense that you will need to import and manipulate data that will be unique toyou (i.e. no other student will have the same data).1.2 Background informationIn this project you will learn about a field of mathematics called graph theory. A graph (or network)is simply a a collection of nodes (or vertices), which may or may not be joined by edges.(Note that this is not the same as the ’graph’ of a function.)Graphs can represent all sorts of real-world (and, indeed, mathematical) objects, e.g. social networks (nodes represent people, edges represent ’friendship’), molecules in chemistry/physics (nodes represent atoms, edges represent bonds), communications networks, e.g. the internet (nodes represent computers/devices, edges representconnections).In this project we will only consider undirected graphs (see the above Wikipedia link for adefinition).Conventiently, Python has a package, called NetworkX, for constructing and analysing graphs.Let’s look at an example. Below we create the famous Petersen graph and use some basic NetworkXfunctions to learn a bit about it.In [1]: # import NetworkX and other useful packagesimport numpy as npimport numpy.linalg as laimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport networkx as nx2# create the Petersen graph, storing it in a variable called PGPG = nx.petersen_graph()Before we doing anything else, it would make sense to draw the graph, to get an idea of whatit looks like. We can do this using the NetworkX function draw_networkx (together with our oldfavourtie, matplotlib).In [2]: nx.draw_networkx(PG, node_color = orange, edge_color = blue, with_labels=True)plt.xticks([])plt.yticks([])plt.show()We can see that the graph has 10 nodes, labelled by the integers 0, 1, . . . , 9. It is also possibleto label nodes with other data types, most commonly strings, but we won’t do that in this project.The nodes of a graph can be accessed via the method nodes():In [3]: PG.nodes()Out[3]: NodeView((0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9))You can convert this to a Python list if you need to:In [4]: list(PG.nodes())Out[4]: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]This (hopefully) makes it clear that the node labels do in fact have type int, at least in ourexample. You can also see from the picture that the graph has 15 edges. These can be accessedusing the method edges():3In [5]: PG.edges()Out[5]: EdgeView([(0, 1), (0, 4), (0, 5), (1, 2), (1, 6), (2, 3), (2, 7), (3, 4), (3, 8), (4, 9), (5, 7), (5, 8), (6, 8), (6, 9), (7, 9)])Again, you can convert this to a list if you need to (try it), and you will see that the elementsof the list are tuples. In either case, if you compare the output with the picture, it should becomeclear what it means, i.e. two nodes labelled i and j are joined by an edge if and only if the pair(i, j) appears in PG.edges().So far we haven’t said much about how graphs are related to mathematics. It turns out thata graph can be completely defined by its adjacency matrix. This is simply a matrix A defined asfollows: A has size n × n, where n is the number of nodes in the graph; if the nodes labelled i and j form an edge, then the (i, j)-entry of A is 1; if they don’t form anedge, the (i, j)-entry of A is 0.This idea is the foundation of algebraic graph theory, a field of mathematics used to studygraphs by analysing certain matrices.Not surprisingly, you can compute the adjacency matrix of a graph using an appropriate NetworkXfunction. Let’s do this for the Petersen graph:In [6]: A = nx.adjacency_matrix(PG)Note that if you print this ’adjacency matrix’ (try it), it doesn’t actually look much like a matrix.This is because it doesn’t have type numpy.ndarray like the matrices/arrays we’ve worked within class:In [7]: type(nx.adjacency_matrix(PG))Out[7]: scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrixHowever, you can convert it to a numpy.ndarray by calling the method toarray():In [8]: A = A.toarray()In [9]: type(A)Out[9]: numpy.ndarrayAfter doing this, the adjacency matrix looks like you would expect, so you can use all the usualnumpy.linalg functions on it:In [10]: print(A)[[0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0][1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0][0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0][0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0][1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1][1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0][0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1][0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1][0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0][0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0]]4Make sure that you understand what all these 0’s and 1’s mean: the (i, j)-entry of the adjacencymatrix is 1 if and only if the edges labelled i and j form an edge in the graph; otherwise, it is 0. Forexample (remembering that Python starts counting from 0, not from 1): the (0, 4) entry is 1, and inthe picture above we see that nodes 0 and 4 form an edge; on the other hand, the (1, 7) entry is 0,and accordingly nodes 1 and 7 don’t form an edge.You will be working with matrices related to graphMTH5001留学生作业代做、代写Computer Programming作业、Python语言作业代做、Python编s quite a lot in this project, so before youbegin you should make sure that you understand what the code we’ve given you above is doing.You may also like to work through the official NetworkX tutorial before attempting the project,bearing in mind that not everything in the tutorial is relevant to the project. (Alternatively, Googlefor another tutorial if you don’t like that one.)A final remark before we get to the project itself:You can rest assured that the graphs we consider this project all have the following nice properties: They are connected. This means that for every pair of nodes i and j, there is a ’path’ of edgesjoining i to j. For example, the Petersen graph is connected, e.g. the nodes labelled 6 and 7do not form an edge, but we can still reach node 7 from node 6 via the edges (6, 9) and (9, 7). They are simple. This means that there is never an edge from a node to itself.You may come across these terms when you are researching the relevant mathematics for variousparts of the project, so you should know what they mean.1.3 The projectAs we have already mentioned, in this project you will make extensive use of the Python packageNetworkX, which allows you to create and analyse graphs. You are expected to read the relevantparts of the NetworkX documentation, or otherwise learn how to use whatever Python functionsyou need to complete the project. However, the mini-tutorial which we have provided aboveshould be enough to get you started.You will also need to research and summarise some mathematics related to graphs, and touse your findings to write certain pieces of code ’from scratch’, instead of of using NetworkXfunctions. In these cases (questions 4 and 8), it is strongly recommended that you use NetworkXto check your answers.You should structure your report as follows:1.3.1 Part I: Data import and preliminary investigation [10 marks]You have been provided with a Python file called data.py on QMPlus, which you should savein the same directory as this Jupyter notebook. This file contains a function create_graph whichconstructs a random graph that you will be analysing throughout the project. By following theinstructions in question 1 (below), you will create a graph that is unique to you, i.e. no twostudents will have the same graph.1. [5 marks] Execute the following code cell to create your graph, storing it in a variable calledG (you can change the variable name if you like, but we recommend leaving it as it is). You mustreplace the number 123456789 with your 9-digit student number.Important note: If you do not do this correctly, you will score 0 for this question, and if you are foundto have used the same input as another student (rather than your individual student number), then yoursubmission will be reviewed for plagiarism.5In [ ]: from data import create_graph# Replace 123456789 below with your 9-digit student numberG = create_graph(123456789)# Replace 123456789 above with your 9-digit student number2. [5 marks] Draw your graph, and calculate how many nodes and edges it has.1.3.2 Part II: Distance matrices and shortest paths [30 marks]Many properties of graphs can be analysed by using matrices/linear algebra. The rest of your reportwill involve researching/summarising some of the relevant mathematics, and writing/usingPython code to analyse certain properties of your graph from Part I. As explained above, you areallowed to summarise information from books and/or web pages, but you must use your ownwords and clearly reference any sources you use.3. [10 marks] Explain what a path between two nodes in a graph is, and what the distancebetween two nodes is. Explain also what the distance matrix of a graph is, and how it can becomputed using the adjacency matrix. Here you should discuss arbitrary (undirected, simple,connected) graphs, not your specific graph from Part I.Note: You do not need to give any proofs, but you must reference any material you use, asexplained in the plagiarism warning above.4. [10 marks] Write a function distance_matrix which computes the distance matrix of agraph. Your function should return a matrix, represented as an array of type numpy.ndarray,of the same shape as the adjacency matrix of the graph. You may use the NetworkX functionadjacency_matrix to compute the adjacency matrix of the input graph, but you must not use anyother NetworkX functions.5. [5 marks] Using your function from Question 4, find a pair of nodes (i, j) in your graph fromPart I with the property that the distance from i to j is maximal amongst all pairs of nodes in thegraph.Note: This means that for every other pair of nodes (i′, j′), the distance from ′to j′is less thanor equal to the distance from i to j.6. [5 marks] Find a shortest path between your nodes from Question 5, i.e. one with theshortest possible length, and re-draw your graph so that this path is clearly visible. You shoulduse one colour for the nodes and edges in the path, and a different colour for all other nodes andedges.Hint: You should be able to find a NetworkX function that computes a shortest path.1.3.3 Part III: Laplacian matrices and spanning trees [30 marks]So far you have learned about two matrices associated with a graph: the adjacency matrix, andthe distance matrix. Now you will study a third matrix: the Laplacian.7. [10 marks] Explain what the degree of a node in a graph is, what the Laplacian matrixof a graph is, what a spanning tree of a graph is, and how the Laplacian matrix can be usedto calculate the number of spanning trees in a graph. Here, again, you should discuss arbitrary(undirected, simple, connected) graphs, not your specific graph from Part I.6Note: You do not need to give any proofs, but you must reference any material you use, asexplained in the plagiarism warning above.8. [10 marks] Write a function number_of_spanning_trees which takes as input a graphG and returns the number of spanning trees in G. You may use the NetworkX functionadjacency_matrix to compute the adjacency matrix of the input graph, but you may not useany other NetworkX functions.Note: You will probably need to compute the determinant of a certain matrix somewhere inyour code. If you use the function numpy.linalg.det then your determinant will only be computedapproximately, i.e. to a certain numerical precision. This is fine; you will not lose any marksif your code is otherwise correct.9 [5 marks] Use your function from Question 8 to calculate the number of spanning trees inyour graph from Part I.10 [5 marks] Find a minimal spanning tree of your graph from Part I, i.e. one with the smallestpossible number of edges. Re-draw your graph in such a way that this spanning tree is clearlyvisible. You should use one colour for the edges in the spanning tree, and a different colour for allother edges.Hint: You should be able to find a NetworkX function that computes a minimal spanning tree.1.3.4 Part IV: Eigenvalues and triangles [30 marks]By now you have seen that certain matrices associated with a graph can tell us a lot about thestructure of the graph. In this final part of the project, you will investigate this further, by learninghow eigenvalues can be used to reveal even more information about graphs.11. [5 marks] Explain what a triangle in a graph is, and quote a formula for calculating thenumber of triangles in a graph from the eigenvalues of the adjacency matrix.Note: You do not need to give any proofs, but you must reference any material you use, asexplained in the plagiarism warning above.12. [5 marks] Calculate the number of triangles in your graph from Part I, using the formuladiscussed in question 11. Your answer must be an integer.Hint: What is the trace of a matrix and how is it related to the eigenvalues?13. [10 marks] Write a function all_triangles which finds all of the triangles in a graph. Useyour function to count the number of triangles in your graph, and compare with your answer toquestion 12. (The two answers should, of course, be the same.)Note: You will need to use your function in the next question, so you should think carefullyabout what kind of data structure you want it to output.14. [10 marks] Re-draw your graph from Part I once more, so that all of its triangles are clearlyvisible. You should use one colour for the edges that appear in at least one triangle, and a differentcolour for all other edges.7转自:http://www.7daixie.com/2019043020181841.html



      本文标题:讲解:MTH5001、Computer Programming、
