Pharmacokinetic VS Pharmacodynam

Pharmacokinetic VS Pharmacodynam

作者: 林書鈺 | 来源:发表于2021-12-21 10:54 被阅读0次

The pharmacokinetic(藥物(代謝)動力學) is the study of how the body effect a drug? 

It can be through the absorption吸收, distribution分配,Metabolism代謝,以及elimination排出 to talk about the drug in body. 

The pharmacodynamics (藥效學)is the study of the effects of a drug on the body and in particular the interaction of drug on the receptor that is targeted site of action. 

(1) Receptor mechanisms(受體機制): receptors are channels on cells that act as gate keepers of brain communication 

(2) Dose-response curve (劑量反應曲線) 

(3) Therapeutic index治療指數--> relative measure of the safety and toxicity of drug . 

(4) Tolerance, (耐受性) dependence(依賴性) and withdrawal symptoms(戒斷反應) 


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