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1) Race to Connected, Self-Driving Cars Not Without Speed Bumps
Ward's Auto
Autonomous Vehicles: Fully automated or self-driving vehicles that are capable of operating without direct driver action to control steering, acceleration and braking. Currently, vehicles may be computer-driven or computer-assisted-driven, with various levels of autonomy, as well as connected features ...
2) Using the Lyft app in Boston could get you picked up by a self-driving car
Chicago Tribune
The latest example of that incremental progress occurred in Boston on Wednesday when Lyft announced that the ride-sharing company has begun a self-driving car pilot in the city's Seaport district. The program is a partnership with the autonomous vehicle startup NuTonomy, which has been testing ...
3) Renault unveils its vision for electric and autonomous driving with working prototype
“You cannot re-imagine the future of mobility until you've been in the SYMBIOZ demo car. Our engineering and design teams have pushed into the next decade with an autonomous car that lets you experience a new kind of mobility. Electric and connected, this working concept car is designed from the ...
4) 扫地机器人十大排行榜曝光,优质大牌不容错过
现在随着智能家居的普及,室内除尘也基本告别的传统清扫方式,传承千年的扫帚已基本经退出了历史舞台。机身灵巧完全智能的扫地机器人开始进入大众视野,功能多样、清扫能力强、能全程自动解决地面清洁问题,扫地机器人因此深受消费者好评。市面上的扫地机器人产品层出不穷,只有性能出众才能在家居 ...
5) 无人物流配送能否修成正果?我们总结了一些来自行业的观点
Leiphone (博客)
若要研发能自行上楼的快递机器人(能上楼梯、按电梯、进电梯,在电梯繁忙的时候还能进去),这样的机器人单个售价可能最少10万美元,如此高的成本10年也收不回来。 若是研发无人物流卡车,则需要配置线控制动、转向和自动挡,即使不包括无人驾驶模块就要200万,装上无人驾驶系统得花费300万,还只能跑一 ...
6) 长沙要用无人快递车送货啦!无人快递车送货究竟是否靠谱?
电子工程专辑 (新闻发布)
如果真的要实现无人机送货,恐怕需要太多的技术突破:电池续航、安全、成本、立法……短期内,真正的无人机还实现不了,就像目前无人驾驶无法真正上路一样,尽管前段时间无人驾驶的热潮在深圳智能公交“阿尔法巴”试运行的道路中愈加热烈。今年无人快递车送货热开始了....... 京东在今年“618全民年中购物节” ...
7) Elon Musk reveals Tesla is making its own AI chips for self-driving cars — and he claims the ...
Business Insider
Tesla is producing AI chips for its autonomous vehicles, according to CNBC. CEO Elon Musk broke the news on Thursday at a company party following an intelligence conference in Long Beach, CA. "Jim is developing specialized AI hardware that we think will be the best in the world," Musk reportedly ...
8) The US Must Match China's Whole-of-Nation Push for AI
Defense One
China's vision came into focus over the summer with the release of the New Generation AI Development Plan, which articulates an ambitious agenda to “lead the world” in the field. Chinese leaders, no longer content to copy Western technologies, are aiming to become the world's “premier AI innovation ...
9) Google Is Giving Away AI That Can Build Your Genome Sequence
On Monday, Google released a tool called DeepVariant that uses deep learning—the machine learning technique that now dominates AI—to assemble full human genomes. Modeled loosely on the networks of neurons in the human brain, these massive mathematical models have learned how to do ...
北京时间17/12/09-10 每日更新 | 点击关注: 【M实事摘要】